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Cheng, B. H. C., de Lemos, R., Giese, H., Inverardi, P., Magee, J., Andersson, J., Becker, B., Bencomo, N., Brun, Y., Cukic, B., Serugendo, G. D. M., Dustdar, S., Finkelstein, A., Gacek, C., Geihs, K., Grassi, V., Karsai, G., Kienle, H. M., Kramer, J., Litoiu, M., Malek, S., Mirandola, R., Müller, H. A., Park, S., Shaw, M., Tichy, M., Tivoli, M., Weyns, D. & Whittle, J. Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Roadmap. 2009 Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems Cheng, B. H. C.; de Lemos, R.; Giese, H.; Inverardi, P. & Magee, J. (ed.)
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