Article (bechhofer2013linked)
Bechhofer, S.; Buchan, I.; De Roure, D.; Missier, P.; Ainsworth, J.; Bhagat, J.; Couch, P.; Cruickshank, D.; Delderfield, M.; Dunlop, I.; Gamble, M.; Michaelides, D.; Owen, S.; Newman, D.; Sufi, S. & Goble, C.
Why linked data is not enough for scientists
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013, 29, 599-611

Article (bernerslee2013readwrite)
Berners-Lee, T. & O’Hara, K.
The read–write Linked Data Web
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2013, 371

Incollection (rula2012diversity)
Rula, A.; Palmonari, M.; Harth, A.; Stadtmüller, S. & Maurino, A.
Cudré-Mauroux, P.; Heflin, J.; Sirin, E.; Tudorache, T.; Euzenat, J.; Hauswirth, M.; Parreira, J.; Hendler, J.; Schreiber, G.; Bernstein, A. & Blomqvist, E. (ed.)
On the Diversity and Availability of Temporal Information in Linked Open Data
Springer , 2012, 7649, 492-507

Inproceedings (vandesompel2010httpbased)
Van de Sompel, H.; Sanderson, R.; Nelson, M. L.; Balakireva, L. L.; Shankar, H. & Ainsworth, S.
An HTTP-Based Versioning Mechanism for Linked Data
arXiv, 2010

Article (goodwin2008geographical)
Goodwin, J.; Dolbear, C. & Hart, G.
Geographical Linked Data: The Administrative Geography of Great Britain on the Semantic Web
Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008, 12, 19-30

Incollection (auer2007dbpedia)
Auer, S.; Bizer, C.; Kobilarov, G.; Lehmann, J.; Cyganiak, R. & Ives, Z.
Aberer, K.; Choi, K.-S.; Noy, N.; Allemang, D.; Lee, K.-I.; Nixon, L.; Golbeck, J.; Mika, P.; Maynard, D.; Mizoguchi, R.; Schreiber, G. & Cudré-Mauroux, P. (ed.)
DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data
Springer, 2007, 4825, 722-735

Inproceedings (suchanek2007semantic)
Suchanek, F. M.; Kasneci, G. & Weikum, G.
YAGO: a core of semantic knowledge
ACM, 2007, 697-706