Article (boerner2012design)
Börner, K.; Klavans, R.; Patek, M.; Zoss, A. M.; Biberstine, J. R.; Light, R. P.; Larivière, V. & Boyack, K. W.
Design and Update of a Classification System: The UCSD Map of Science
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2012, 7, e39464

Incollection (rula2012diversity)
Rula, A.; Palmonari, M.; Harth, A.; Stadtmüller, S. & Maurino, A.
Cudré-Mauroux, P.; Heflin, J.; Sirin, E.; Tudorache, T.; Euzenat, J.; Hauswirth, M.; Parreira, J.; Hendler, J.; Schreiber, G.; Bernstein, A. & Blomqvist, E. (ed.)
On the Diversity and Availability of Temporal Information in Linked Open Data
Springer , 2012, 7649, 492-507

Inproceedings (krafft2010enabling)
Krafft, D. B.; Cappadona, N. A.; Caruso, B.; Corson-Rikert, J.; Devare, M.; Lowe, B. J. & Collaboration, V.
VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists

Inproceedings (vandesompel2010httpbased)
Van de Sompel, H.; Sanderson, R.; Nelson, M. L.; Balakireva, L. L.; Shankar, H. & Ainsworth, S.
An HTTP-Based Versioning Mechanism for Linked Data
arXiv, 2010

Article (aguillo2009measuring)
Aguillo, I.
Measuring the institution's footprint in the web
Library Hi Tech, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2009, 27, 540-556

Article (larowe2009scholarly)
La Rowe, G.; Ambre, S.; Burgoon, J.; Ke, W. & Börner, K.
The Scholarly Database and its utility for scientometrics research
Scientometrics, Springer Netherlands, 2009, 79, 219-234

Incollection (pieper2009wissenschaftliche)
Pieper, D. & Wolf, S.
Dirk, L. (ed.)
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Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, 2009, 356-374