Inproceedings (conf/kdd/HongYGD11)
Hong, L.; Yin, D.; 0002, J. G. & 0001, B. D. D.
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Inproceedings (hotho06trend)
Hotho, A.; Jäschke, R.; Schmitz, C. & Stumme, G.
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Trend Detection in Folksonomies
Springer, 2006, 4306, 56-70

Inbook (kleinberg2006temporal)
Kleinberg, J.
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Temporal Dynamics of On-Line Information Streams
Springer, 2006

Inproceedings (conf/adbis/KontakiPM05)
Kontaki, M.; Papadopoulos, A. N. & Manolopoulos, Y.
Continuous Trend-Based Classification of Streaming Time Series.
2005, 294-308

Article (journals/jasis/AmitayCHLS04)
Amitay, E.; Carmel, D.; Herscovici, M.; Lempel, R. & Soffer, A.
Trend detection through temporal link analysis.
JASIST, 2004, 55, 1270-1281

Inproceedings (conf/cikm/GollapudiS04)
Gollapudi, S. & Sivakumar, D.
Framework and algorithms for trend analysis in massive temporal data sets.
2004, 168-177

Article (griffiths2004finding)
Griffiths, T. L. & Steyvers, M.
Finding scientific topics