Inproceedings (ls_leimeister)
Blohm, I.; Ott, F.; Bretschneider, U.; Huber, M.; Rieger, M.; Glatz, F.; Koch, M.; Leimeister, J. M. & Krcmar, H.
Extending Open Innovation Platforms into the real world -
ing Large Displays in Public Spaces

Inproceedings (ls_leimeister)
Blohm, I.; Ott, F.; Bretschneider, U.; Huber, M.; Rieger, M.; Glatz, F.; Koch, M.; Leimeister, J. M. & Krcmar, H.
Extending Open Innovation Platforms into the real world - Using Large Displays in Public Spaces

Inproceedings (gemmell2009improving)
Gemmell, J.; Schimoler, T. R.; Christiansen, L. & Mobasher, B.
Jannach, D.; Geyer, W.; Freyne, J.; Anand, S. S.; Dugan, C.; Mobasher, B. & Kobsa, A. (ed.)
Improving Folkrank With Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
2009, 532, 17-24

Inproceedings (koren2009collaborative)
Koren, Y.
Collaborative filtering with temporal dynamics
ACM, 2009, 447-456

Incollection (citeulike:6386729)
Liang, H.; Xu, Y.; Li, Y. & Nayak, R.
Wen, P.; Li, Y.; Polkowski, L.; Yao, Y.; Tsumoto, S. & Wang, G. (ed.)
Tag Based Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, 5589, 666-673

Inproceedings (parra2009evaluation)
Parra, D. & Brusilovsky, P.
Evaluation of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Recommending Articles on CiteULike
2009, 467

Inproceedings (parra2009evaluation)
Parra, D. & Brusilovsky, P.
Evaluation of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Recommending Articles on CiteULike
2009, 467

Article (takacs2009scalable)
Takács, G.; Pilászy, I.; Németh, B. & Tikk, D.
Scalable Collaborative Filtering Approaches for Large Recommender Systems
Journal of Machine Learning Research,, 2009, 10, 623-656

Inproceedings (jaeschke07tagKdml)
Jaeschke, R.; Marinho, L.; Hotho, A.; Schmidt-Thieme, L. & Stumme, G.
Hinneburg, A. (ed.)
Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007, 13-20

Inproceedings (jaeschke07tagKdml)
Jaeschke, R.; Marinho, L.; Hotho, A.; Schmidt-Thieme, L. & Stumme, G.
Hinneburg, A. (ed.)
Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007, 13-20

Incollection (schafer07)
Schafer, J. B.; Frankowski, D.; Herlocker, J. & Sen, S.
Brusilovsky, P.; Kobsa, A. & Nejdl, W. (ed.)
Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Springer, 2007, 4321, 291-324

Article (1423975)
Adomavicius, G. & Tuzhilin, A.
Toward the next generation of recommender systems: a survey of the state-of-the-art and possible extensions
Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 2005, 17, 734-749

Article (herlocker2004ecf)
Herlocker, J.; Konstan, J.; Terveen, L. & Riedl, J.
Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2004, 22, 5-53

Article (Herlocker:2004:ECF:963770.963772)
Herlocker, J. L.; Konstan, J. A.; Terveen, L. G. & Riedl, J. T.
Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., ACM, 2004, 22, 5-53

Inproceedings (Whitby04filteringout)
Whitby, A.; Jøsang, A. & Indulska, J.
Filtering Out Unfair Ratings in Bayesian Reputation Systems

Inproceedings (melville2002contentboosted)
Melville, P.; Mooney, R. J. & Nagarajan, R.
Content-boosted Collaborative Filtering for Improved Recommendations
American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2002, 187-192

Inproceedings (sarwar2001itembased)
Sarwar, B.; Karypis, G.; Konstan, J. & Riedl, J.
Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms
ACM, 2001, 285-295

Inproceedings (sarwar2001item)
Sarwar, B.; Karypis, G.; Konstan, J. & Riedl, J.
Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms
ACM, 2001, 285-295

Inproceedings (herlocker2000explaining)
Herlocker, J. L.; Konstan, J. A. & Riedl, J.
Explaining collaborative filtering recommendations
ACM, 2000, 241-250

Article (kautz1997referral)
Kautz, H.; Selman, B. & Shah, M.
Referral Web: combining social networks and collaborative filtering
Communications of the ACM, ACM, 1997, 40, 63-65