Unpublished (FalBar07)
Falkowski, T. & Barth, A.
Density-based Temporal Graph Clustering for Subgroup Detection in Social Networks

Unpublished (FalBar07)
Falkowski, T. & Barth, A.
Density-based Temporal Graph Clustering for Subgroup Detection in Social Networks

Inproceedings (grahl07conceptualKdml)
Grahl, M.; Hotho, A. & Stumme, G.
Hinneburg, A. (ed.)
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmark Sites
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007, 50-54

Inproceedings (grahl07conceptualKdml)
Grahl, M.; Hotho, A. & Stumme, G.
Hinneburg, A. (ed.)
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmark Sites
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007, 50-54

Inproceedings (grahl07conceptualKdml)
Grahl, M.; Hotho, A. & Stumme, G.
Hinneburg, A. (ed.)
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmark Sites
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007, 50-54

Inproceedings (grahl2007clustering)
Grahl, M.; Hotho, A. & Stumme, G.
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmarking Sites
Know-Center, 2007, 356-364

Inproceedings (grahl2007clustering)
Grahl, M.; Hotho, A. & Stumme, G.
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmarking Sites
Know-Center, 2007, 356-364

Techreport (citeulike:739394)
Heymann, P. & Garcia-Molina, H.
Collaborative Creation of Communal Hierarchical Taxonomies in Social Tagging Systems
Standford University, Computer Science Department, 2006

Article (newman03fast)
Newman, M.
Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks
Physical Review E, 2003, 69