Inproceedings (singer2015hyptrails)
Singer, P.; Helic, D.; Hotho, A. & Strohmaier, M.
Hyptrails: A bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses about human trails
ACM, 2015

Inproceedings (dallmann2015media)
Dallmann, A.; Lemmerich, F.; Zoller, D. & Hotho, A.
Media Bias in German Online Newspapers
ACM, 2015

Inproceedings (ring2015condist)
Ring, M.; Otto, F.; Becker, M.; Niebler, T.; Landes, D. & Hotho, A.
ECMLPKDD2015 (ed.)
ConDist: A Context-Driven Categorical Distance Measure

Inproceedings (zoller2015publication)
Zoller, D.; Doerfel, S.; Jäschke, R.; Stumme, G. & Hotho, A.
On Publication Usage in a Social Bookmarking System

Inproceedings (vkistowski2015modeling)
v. Kistowski, J.; Nikolas, H.; Zoller, D.; Kounev, S. & Hotho, A.
Modeling and Extracting Load Intensity Profiles

Misc (becker2014subjective)
Becker, M.; Hotho, A.; Mueller, J.; Kibanov, M.; Atzmueller, M. & Stumme, G.
Subjective vs. Objective Data: Bridging the Gap