Critical Care : Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet
Fitz, A.; Wien, A. Z. & Krasny, E.
Critical Care : Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet(2019)
How architecture and urbanism can help to care for and repair a broken planet: essays and illustrated case studies.Today, architecture and urbanism are capital-centric, speculation-driven, and investment-dominated. Many cannot afford housing. Austerity measures have taken a disastrous toll on public infrastructures. The climate crisis has rendered the planet vulnerable, even uninhabitable. This book offers an alternative vision in architecture and urbanism that focuses on caring for a broken planet. Rooted in a radical care perspective that always starts from the given, in the midst of things, this edited collection of essays and illustrated case studies documents ideas and practices from an extraordinarily diverse group of contributors.Focusing on the three crisis areas of economy, ecology, and labor, the book describes projects including village reconstruction in China; irrigation in Spain; community land trust in Puerto Rico; revitalization of modernist public housing in France; new alliances in informal settlements in Nairobi; and the redevelopment of traditional building methods in flood areas in Pakistan. Essays consider such topics as ethical architecture, land policy, creative ecologies, diverse economies, caring communities, and the exploitation of labor. Taken together, these case studies and essays provide evidence that architecture and urbanism have the capacity to make the planet livable, again.Essays byMauro Baracco, Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Jane Da Mosto, Angelika Fitz, Hélène Frichot, Katherine Gibson, Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquerra, Valeria Graziano, Gabu Heindl, Elke Krasny, Lisa Law, Ligia Nobre, Meike Schalk, Linda Tegg, Ana Carolina Tonetti, Kim Trogal, Joan C. Tronto, Theresa Williamson, Louise WrightCase studiesaaa atelier d'architecture autogérée, Ayuntamiento BCN, Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury/Urbana, Cíclica [Space.Community.Ecology] + CAVAA arquitectes, Care+Repair Tandems Vienna (including Gabu Heindl, Zissis Kotionis + Phoebe Giannisi, rotor, Meike Schalk + Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Cristian Stefanescu, Rosario Talevi and many others), Colectivo 720, Estudio Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman, EAHR Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martín Peña CLT, Anna Heringer, Anupama Kundoo, KDI Kounkuey Design Initiative, Lacaton & Vassal, Yasmeen Lari, muf architecture/art, Paulo Mendes da Rocha + MMBB, RUF Rural Urban Framework, Studio Vlay Streeruwitz, De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Xu Tiantian/DnA_Design and Architecture, ZUsammenKUNFT BerlinCopublished with Architekturzentrum Wien
Effektives Steuern von IT-Outsourcingdienstleistern. Entwicklung und Überprüfung eines Referenzmodells für Steuerungsprozesse im IT-Outsourcing
Urbach, N. & Würz, T.
Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54(5) (2012)
IT executives entering into information technology (IT) outsourcing arrangements seek various strategic, economic, and technological benefits. However, although several cases of IT outsourcing are considered successful, cases of failure can also be observed. Problems and challenges associated with IT outsourcing often not only relate to the strategic decision whether or not to outsource, but to the operational level as well. Especially organizations with little experience of implementing larger IT outsourcing programs face problems with the steering of external outsourcing providers. In this paper, we propose a reference framework that structures the required processes for an effective steering of IT outsourcing relationships. The research is based on the design science paradigm in information systems research. In a first step, we derive a framework from related literature and knowledge in this particular area. We then undertake extensive fieldwork, including expert interviews and field studies to evaluate our framework and to develop it further. The suggested framework proves to be a viable instrument to support the systematic analysis of current processes and the definition of suitable target processes for the steering of IT outsourcing programs. This paper's primary contribution therefore lies in providing an applicable instrument for practitioners as well as in extending the existing body of knowledge on IT outsourcing governance.
Digitale Rechteverwaltung – Eine gelungene Allianz von Recht und Technik?
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Handlungsleitfaden zum Scannen von Papierdokumenten
Jandt, S. & Roßnagel, A.
Vertrauen im Mobile Commerce – Vorschläge für die rechtsverträgliche Gestaltung von Location Based Services
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Besprechung von LG München, Urteil vom 21.5.2008
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Professionell skizzieren, zeichnen, präsentieren : [Freihandzeichnen mit klassischen Zeichenwerkzeugen und Computertools
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Handlungsleitfaden zum Scannen von Papierdokumenten
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Kennzeichenscanning – Verfassungsrechtliche Bewertung der verdachtslosen automatisierten Erfassung von Kraftfahrzeugkennzeichen
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Keine Sperrung von Google durch Access-Provider
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Sperrungsverpflichtungen von Access-Providern
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Lehrer unter Druck : Arbeitsplatz Schule: zwischen Sokrates und Sozialarbeit
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Schulsozialarbeit : eine institutionsanalytische Untersuchung von Kommunikation und Kooperation
Vogel, C.
2006, Forschung Pädagogik, VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., Wiesbaden [pdf]
Christian Vogel untersucht die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schulsozialarbeit, Lehrk#65533;rper, Schulleitung und weiteren schulischen Akteuren im Rahmen einer Einzelfallstudie in der Schweiz. Anhand von Interaktionsprotokollen beschreibt er die institutionalisierten Interaktionsformen unter kommunikations- und symbolisierungstheoretischen Gesichtspunkten. Dabei zeigt der Autor, dass die unter dem Titel der Kooperation stattfindenden Zusammenk#65533;nfte zwar selber den Anspruch einer Handlungskoordination durch Kommunikation enthalten, diesen jedoch kaum einzul#65533;sen verm#65533;gen. Dieser Befund wird im Rahmen einer Strukturanalyse als Ausdruck latent gehaltener institutioneller Grundspannungen der Schule gedeutet. Summary hebis