[{SET lang_de='Schlagworte (Tags) nutzen um Literaturangaben schneller wiederzufinden'}]

%%information ''__Advice:__ If you print this page, it's always at hand and you can read it if somewhat is unclear.''%%

!!! Use the tag system

Tags allow  you to organize your bookmarks and publications easier. In [{$jspwiki.projname}] you also can use tags as a keyword for searching and comparing items.

[{TableOfContents: title='Table of contents' }]


!! How does the tag system work?
From your computer or in real life, you probably know the opportunity to store files/documents in folders and subfolders. A file is placed in a specific folder. \\The keyword system works in a completely different way. You can add as many tags as you want to a file/publication. That way you can find all files about a specific topic very fast and easily, for you only have to search for the corresponding tag. The advantage of the tag system is the fact that you can combine different tags when searching to achieve precise and specific results. For example, if you're looking for literature about the topic ''"politics in France"'', you can search with both tags ''"politics"'' AND ''"France"''. As a result, you get all articles that deal with both topics. \\
With this function, [{$jspwiki.projname}] makes it easy for you to store, manage and share your literature with others. 

__TIP:__ Good tags are short and concise. In addition, we recommend to always use singular words (e.g. use ''tree'' instead of ''trees'' - __or even better__: use two keywords: ''tree'' AND ''forest''), thus avoiding unnecessary word forms. If you want to use a tag that consists of two words (e.g. ''Computer Science'') you should use [PascalCase|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PascalCase] (e.g. ComputerScience).


!!!System tags

System tags are special tags that come with a predefined meaning. At present, [{$jspwiki.projname}] offers three types of system tags:

!!Executable system tags
Executable system tags are added to a post to execute some special action with that post.
* {{for:<groupname>}}: Tagging a post with {{for:xygroup}} will copy that post to the group's collection with the tag replaced by {{from:YourUserName}}. Should you change or even delete your post, the copied post of the group will remain unaltered. You must be a member of the group you forward the post to.
* {{send:<username>}}: This tag allows sending a post to the inbox of another [{$jspwiki.projname}] user. To use this tag, the receiver must have added you to his [friends list|Add contacts] or you must be a member of the same [group|Join a group with same reading interests].

!!Meta system tags
Meta system tags are used to label your posts. Currently [{$jspwiki.projname}] supports the following meta system tags:

* {{myown}}: A post tagged with {{myown}} will appear on your CV page.
* {{sys:relevantFor:<groupname>}}: A post with the tag {{sys:relevantFor:xygroup}} will appear on the "relevantFor"-page of the {{xygroup}}. Thus, this tag has the same effect as selecting {{xygroup}} in the "relevant for"-box while editing the post.
* {{sys:hidden:<tag>}}: hides a tag from every user besides yourself.

!!Search system tags
Search system tags are not for tagging a post but rather to be used as a filter in search queries. They all have the same syntax: {{sys:<fieldname><fieldvalue>}}. For example, searching with  {{sys:author:xyz}} will only return posts where the author is {{xyz}}. [{$jspwiki.projname}] supports the following filters:
*{{sys:author:<authorname>}} filters the search range by author.
*{{sys:bibtexkey:<bibtexkey>}} filters the search range by bibtexkey.
*{{sys:entrytype:<entrytype>}} filters the search range by [entry type|entrytypes].
*{{sys:group:<group>}} filters the search range by group.
*{{sys:not:<tag>}} excludes entries with the tag <tag>. Here you can also use wildcards, e.g. {{sys:not:news_*}} excludes all posts with tags that start with {{news_}}.
*{{sys:title:<title>}} filters the search range by title.
*{{sys:user:<user>}} filters the search range by user.
*{{sys:year:<year>}} filters the search by year. Several arguments are possible, e.g.: 
** 2000: all posts from the year 2000
** 2000-: all posts from the year 2000 or from one of the following years
** -2000: all posts from the year 2000 or from an earlier year
** 1990-2000: all posts from the years 1990 to 2000

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