@electronic{www.sociopatterns.org, title = {DATASETS « SocioPatterns.org}, url = {http://www.sociopatterns.org/datasets/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/870dc1a4d4e6653e5d83183c55eea43e/hotho}, keywords = {dynamics patters research rfid socio tags dataset}, added-at = {2011-11-04T15:52:12.000+0100}, description = {A research project that aims to uncover fundamental patterns in social dynamics and coordinated human activity through a data-driven approach.}, interhash = {870dc1a4d4e6653e5d83183c55eea43e}, intrahash = {870dc1a4d4e6653e5d83183c55eea43e} } @electronic{arstechnica.com, title = {Tag networks on social sites may predict next Internet fad - Ars Technica}, url = {http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2009/06/tagging.ars}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/28f4c8a5cb58cb9ad92f897737a2d579/hotho}, keywords = {bibsonomy concept dynamics relation tagora}, added-at = {2009-06-18T20:22:21.000+0200}, description = {A new analysis of data from del.ici.ous shows that, while the number of tags grows roughly in proportion to the growth of content, users can unwittingly provide bridges between networks of seemingly unrelated concepts.}, interhash = {28f4c8a5cb58cb9ad92f897737a2d579}, intrahash = {28f4c8a5cb58cb9ad92f897737a2d579} } @electronic{pil.phys.uniroma1.it, title = {Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics}, url = {http://pil.phys.uniroma1.it/erice2007/presentations/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/9cb6c319dd541f9167d3abdc00521daa/hotho}, keywords = {2007 dynamics physics sna social statistical summerschool}, added-at = {2007-07-20T17:05:40.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {9cb6c319dd541f9167d3abdc00521daa}, intrahash = {9cb6c319dd541f9167d3abdc00521daa} } @electronic{www.tagora-project.eu, title = {Social Websites - Complex Dynamics and Structure}, url = {http://www.tagora-project.eu/outreach/eccs07}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0654c32ea17bfdd7e3f686e7c69a8d89/hotho}, keywords = {2007 complex dynamics social structure workshop}, added-at = {2007-06-13T13:37:42.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {0654c32ea17bfdd7e3f686e7c69a8d89}, intrahash = {0654c32ea17bfdd7e3f686e7c69a8d89} }