@electronic{community.sophos.com, title = {Sophos Anti-Virus Mac query - SophosTalk community}, url = {http://community.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-free-tools/Sophos-Anti-Virus-Mac-query/td-p/9749}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/66e73396ed595f814b9b0776ad3ff3d9/droessler}, keywords = {anti mac sophos virus}, added-at = {2012-04-12T08:39:57.000+0200}, description = {Hi there,   I'm running Sophos Anti-Virus in Mac OS 10.6.6   It has detected a threat (Mal/Phish-A) which seems to be on my Time Machine drive. I tried to clean up the threat but I get: Cleanup of the threat was not successful. You must clean}, interhash = {66e73396ed595f814b9b0776ad3ff3d9}, intrahash = {66e73396ed595f814b9b0776ad3ff3d9} }