@electronic{iswc2010.semanticweb.org, title = {The 9th International Semantic Web Conference | ISWC 2010}, url = {http://iswc2010.semanticweb.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0/benz}, keywords = {2010 conf conference iswc semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:30.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0}, intrahash = {3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0} } @electronic{users.ecs.soton.ac.uk, title = {Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured Knowledge (CK 2009)}, url = {http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/gc3/iswc-workshop/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/b7f697a619172a8435d7eb6b44eb2529/benz}, keywords = {2009 ck ck2009 iswc workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:18.000+0100}, description = {Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Managementand Linking of Structured Knowledge}, interhash = {b7f697a619172a8435d7eb6b44eb2529}, intrahash = {b7f697a619172a8435d7eb6b44eb2529} } @electronic{sdow2008.semanticweb.org, title = {Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008) - Workshop at the 7th International Semantic Web Conference}, url = {http://sdow2008.semanticweb.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/2f63c9ffcc71be4c08ba6435128cae22/benz}, keywords = {2008 iswc sdow social_data workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:56.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {2f63c9ffcc71be4c08ba6435128cae22}, intrahash = {2f63c9ffcc71be4c08ba6435128cae22} } @electronic{www.wikipedia-lab.org, title = {Main Page - Wikipedia-Lab}, url = {http://www.wikipedia-lab.org/en/index.php/Main_Page}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/ee7bbd8d5b7a2825743b3f5b078996f1/benz}, keywords = {2008 iswc laboratory research sdow wikipedia}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:56.000+0100}, description = {Wikipedia laboratory is a special interest group on Wikipedia mining. The main purpose of this Web site is to share knowledge, discuss Wikipedia analysis, develop tools, etc. using Wikipedia knowledge.}, interhash = {ee7bbd8d5b7a2825743b3f5b078996f1}, intrahash = {ee7bbd8d5b7a2825743b3f5b078996f1} } @electronic{www.tagpedia.org, title = {TagPedia}, url = {http://www.tagpedia.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/f7cda5e845ee1994f2f43acf66707495/benz}, keywords = {2008 iswc sdow tag_semantics tagpedia}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:56.000+0100}, description = {Tagpedia is a semantic resource useful to create semantic description of contents over the Web. It wants to provide a better organization and access to semantically described contents in order to improve the management and the search for useful information over the Web.}, interhash = {f7cda5e845ee1994f2f43acf66707495}, intrahash = {f7cda5e845ee1994f2f43acf66707495} }