@electronic{voson.anu.edu.au, title = {Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON)}, url = {http://voson.anu.edu.au/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/41902041b7aaee078e97da308e8921b5/benz}, keywords = {crawler export social_networks voson web}, added-at = {2011-04-04T23:23:06.000+0200}, description = {The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Project is based at the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, The Australian National Univeristy. We aim to advance the Social Science of the Internet through new empirical research into online networks and the development of the following associated e-Research tools:}, interhash = {41902041b7aaee078e97da308e8921b5}, intrahash = {41902041b7aaee078e97da308e8921b5} } @electronic{www.cs.umd.edu, title = {DDupe}, url = {http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/linqs/ddupe/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/43a221cb139708fcd42c955322d500fd/benz}, keywords = {authors d-dupe deduplication social_networks}, added-at = {2011-03-28T23:23:06.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {43a221cb139708fcd42c955322d500fd}, intrahash = {43a221cb139708fcd42c955322d500fd} } @electronic{socialnetworksecurity.org, title = {Social Network Security Leaks - 2011}, url = {http://socialnetworksecurity.org/en/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/cb07bb1dbbac40c98beaa811450bed85/benz}, keywords = {facebook security social_networks vulnerabilities}, added-at = {2011-03-13T23:23:04.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {cb07bb1dbbac40c98beaa811450bed85}, intrahash = {cb07bb1dbbac40c98beaa811450bed85} } @electronic{www.casos.cs.cmu.edu, title = {CASOS: Projects - ORA}, url = {http://www.casos.cs.cmu.edu/projects/ora/index.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/890b35f4f0e102bbdf7753e1c1b77366/benz}, keywords = {ora sna social_networks}, added-at = {2011-02-21T23:23:13.000+0100}, description = {ORA is a risk assessment tool for locating individuals or groups that are potential risks given social, knowledge and task network information. Essentially, first you use information about people to “connect the dots.” Then, ORA examines this network and finds those dots, those people, who represent a threat to the overall system. Individuals are risks, e,g,, if their removal from the network would debilitate it (the critical employee) or if they were to feed false information to others they could create havoc (the rumor monger). Based on network theory, social psychology, operations research, and management theory a series of measures of “criticality” have been developed at CMU. Just as critical path algorithms can be used to locate those tasks that are critical from a project management perspective, the ORA algorithms can find those people, types of skills or knowledge and tasks that are critical from a performance and information security perspective. Each of the measures we have developed are calculated by ORA on the basis of network data like that in the following table. }, interhash = {890b35f4f0e102bbdf7753e1c1b77366}, intrahash = {890b35f4f0e102bbdf7753e1c1b77366} } @electronic{wids.lids.mit.edu, title = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks }, url = {http://wids.lids.mit.edu/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5/benz}, keywords = {2011 decision information mit social_networks workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-16T23:23:14.000+0100}, description = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks }, interhash = {5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5}, intrahash = {5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5} } @electronic{de.nielsen.com, title = {NMR Pressemeldung 09.06.2008 - Nielsen Mobile}, url = {http://de.nielsen.com/news/NMRPressemeldung_09.06.2008-NielsenMobile.shtml}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/28a41fd98c8985f2c9b424186510ff11/benz}, keywords = {marktforschung nielsen nutzungszahlen social social_networking social_networks trends}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:45.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {28a41fd98c8985f2c9b424186510ff11}, intrahash = {28a41fd98c8985f2c9b424186510ff11} } @electronic{blog.nielsen.com, title = {Social Networkers With Multiple Profiles Skew Young, Tech-Savvy | Nielsen Wire}, url = {http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/social-networkers-with-multiple-profiles-skew-young-tech-savvy/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/d005efa94981f1794849b7014c8bfc56/benz}, keywords = {facebook nielsen nutung social_networking social_networks}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:45.000+0100}, description = {According to Nielsen’s recent Global Faces And Networked Places report, the biggest increase in unique visitors to Member Community Web sites during 2008}, interhash = {d005efa94981f1794849b7014c8bfc56}, intrahash = {d005efa94981f1794849b7014c8bfc56} } @electronic{blog.nielsen.com, title = {Nielsen: Global Faces and networked places (pdf)}, url = {http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/nielsen_globalfaces_mar09.pdf}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/a6285650262d544f92c4725c66f2f351/benz}, keywords = {nielsen nutzung pdf social_networks soziale_netzwerke studie study}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:45.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {a6285650262d544f92c4725c66f2f351}, intrahash = {a6285650262d544f92c4725c66f2f351} } @electronic{xkcd.com, title = {xkcd: Convincing Pickup Line}, url = {http://xkcd.com/403/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/95cfb201b98510dacebe83726acf4218/benz}, keywords = {social_networks xkcd}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:44.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {95cfb201b98510dacebe83726acf4218}, intrahash = {95cfb201b98510dacebe83726acf4218} } @electronic{www.digitale-soziale-netze.de, title = {3. Workshop "Digitale Soziale Netze"}, url = {http://www.digitale-soziale-netze.de/gi-workshop/index.php}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/ef895892cc2049892c4d0cb83e293562/benz}, keywords = {2010 digitale_soziale_netze gi social_networks soziale_netze workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:38.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {ef895892cc2049892c4d0cb83e293562}, intrahash = {ef895892cc2049892c4d0cb83e293562} } @electronic{www.heise.de, title = {heise online - Umfrage: 30 Millionen Deutsche im Social Web}, url = {http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Umfrage-30-Millionen-Deutsche-im-Social-Web-954882.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/9faade34bf479b06998b08170c39897b/benz}, keywords = {deutschland germany social_networks soziale_netwerke studie umfrage}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:38.000+0100}, description = {Laut einer Forsa-Umfrage sind rund 30 Millionen Bundesbürger Mitglied mindestens einer Community. Dabei geht es den Nutzern in erster Linie um Kontaktpflege mit Freunden und Bekannten.}, interhash = {9faade34bf479b06998b08170c39897b}, intrahash = {9faade34bf479b06998b08170c39897b} } @electronic{www.p2p.tu-darmstadt.de, title = {Research}, url = {http://www.p2p.tu-darmstadt.de/research/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/f518aee1c775b508e6145577ba08264a/benz}, keywords = {dataset social_networks socialnetwork}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:27.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {f518aee1c775b508e6145577ba08264a}, intrahash = {f518aee1c775b508e6145577ba08264a} } @electronic{www.nature.com, title = {Collaboration: Social networking seeks critical mass}, url = {http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/2010/101216/full/nj7326-993a.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/ce09d5d1d6a9b08fe94f9142416515e2/benz}, keywords = {scientists social_networks}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:06:42.000+0100}, description = {Naturejobs Career Magazine presents: Collaboration: Social networking seeks critical mass: There are myriad social and professional networking options for scientists. But, so far, none has proved infectious enough to go viral.}, interhash = {ce09d5d1d6a9b08fe94f9142416515e2}, intrahash = {ce09d5d1d6a9b08fe94f9142416515e2} }