@electronic{sioc-project.org, title = {sioc-project.org | Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities}, url = {http://sioc-project.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/88ad8d686c2d7a183ffb4a4a7244ea70/benz}, keywords = {communities online ontology semantic_web sioc standard}, added-at = {2011-06-06T23:23:09.000+0200}, description = {The SIOC initiative (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) aims to enable the integration of online community information. SIOC provides a Semantic Web ontology for representing rich data from the Social Web in RDF. It has recently achieved significant adoption through its usage in a variety of commercial and open-source software applications, and is commonly used in conjunction with the FOAF vocabulary for expressing personal profile and social networking information. By becoming a standard way for expressing user-generated content from such sites, SIOC enables new kinds of usage scenarios for online community site data, and allows innovative semantic applications to be built on top of the existing Social Web. The SIOC ontology was recently published as a W3C Member Submission, which was submitted by 16 organisations.}, interhash = {88ad8d686c2d7a183ffb4a4a7244ea70}, intrahash = {88ad8d686c2d7a183ffb4a4a7244ea70} } @electronic{aksw.org, title = {AKSW : Events / 2011 / Leipziger Semantic Web Day}, url = {http://aksw.org/Events/2011/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/070c1490b42956954e34512979924524/benz}, keywords = {events leipzig lswt semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-03-18T23:23:06.000+0100}, description = {Der Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) bietet seit 2009 Unternehmen und Organisationen die Möglichkeit, sich zu Themen im Bereich semantischer Technologien auszutauschen. Im letzten Jahr wurden Semantic Web Technologien von vielen Firmen in größerem Umfang eingesetzt. Beispiele dafür sind der Einsatz von Linked Data bei der New York Times, das Open Graph Protokoll bei Facebook, die Unterstützung der GoodRelations-Ontologie durch Google sowie zahlreiche Initiativen für transparentes E-Government (z.B. data.gov). Im Fokus des diesjährigen LSWT steht das Thema "Linked Data für die Massen" und soll insbesondere Unternehmen helfen, einen leichten Einstieg in die Nutzung entsprechender Technologien zu finden.}, interhash = {070c1490b42956954e34512979924524}, intrahash = {070c1490b42956954e34512979924524} } @electronic{resources.smile.deri.ie, title = {3rd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social Networks}, url = {http://resources.smile.deri.ie/ciswsn2010/index.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/b73c954d7000a054e09c112c917aa5e0/benz}, keywords = {2010 ciswsn2010 collective_intelligence semantic_web workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:40.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {b73c954d7000a054e09c112c917aa5e0}, intrahash = {b73c954d7000a054e09c112c917aa5e0} } @electronic{www.google.com, title = {Rich snippets - Webmaster Tools Help}, url = {http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=99170}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/17f1dc8ae4f1f2c8413b290f3776f7e0/benz}, keywords = {google rdf rich_snippets semantic_web structured_data}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:38.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {17f1dc8ae4f1f2c8413b290f3776f7e0}, intrahash = {17f1dc8ae4f1f2c8413b290f3776f7e0} } @electronic{iswc2010.semanticweb.org, title = {The 9th International Semantic Web Conference | ISWC 2010}, url = {http://iswc2010.semanticweb.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0/benz}, keywords = {2010 conf conference iswc semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:30.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0}, intrahash = {3f600faf55e6697a9ef96498155f02e0} } @electronic{vivoweb.org, title = {VIVO | enabling national networking of scientists}, url = {http://vivoweb.org/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/4edba0fc97fb6c1af6432d18a8139761/benz}, keywords = {network ontology rdf scientists semantic semantic_web semanticweb vivo www2010}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:29.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {4edba0fc97fb6c1af6432d18a8139761}, intrahash = {4edba0fc97fb6c1af6432d18a8139761} } @electronic{km.aifb.kit.edu, title = {Billion Triple Challenge 2010 Dataset}, url = {http://km.aifb.kit.edu/projects/btc-2010/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0bd6afefa4fa9b8deb385d518ea6d32f/benz}, keywords = {billion_triple data dataset semantic semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:16.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {0bd6afefa4fa9b8deb385d518ea6d32f}, intrahash = {0bd6afefa4fa9b8deb385d518ea6d32f} } @electronic{meshin.com, title = {Email Outlook Sidebar | Meshin}, url = {http://meshin.com/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/c15db8fe2f5cb6e90b33c88d411fa5f0/benz}, keywords = {email information_extraction meshin semantic semantic_web software tool}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:06:51.000+0100}, description = {Meshin, an Outlook sidebar, boosts your productivity using semantic technologies to find the right information at the right time about people, companies, email communications and even documents.}, interhash = {c15db8fe2f5cb6e90b33c88d411fa5f0}, intrahash = {c15db8fe2f5cb6e90b33c88d411fa5f0} } @electronic{marvinbot.com, title = {MarvinBot - web semantic knowledge engine}, url = {http://marvinbot.com/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/58e1ad8cd1d649a17a7bac6bea92271d/benz}, keywords = {marvinbot search search_engine semantic semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:06:50.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {58e1ad8cd1d649a17a7bac6bea92271d}, intrahash = {58e1ad8cd1d649a17a7bac6bea92271d} } @electronic{www.semantic-web-journal.net, title = {About the Journal | www.semantic-web-journal.net}, url = {http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/c1f087b1ce12edbd7a1ac2aa3d269621/benz}, keywords = {journal pascal_hitzler semantic_web}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:06:41.000+0100}, description = {The journal Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability (ISSN: 1570-0844) brings together researchers from various fields which share the vision and need for more effective and meaningful ways to share information across agents and services on the future internet and elsewhere. As such, Semantic Web technologies shall support the seamless integration of data, on-the-fly composition and interoperation of Web services, as well as more intuitive search engines. The semantics – or meaning – of information, however, cannot be defined without a context, which makes personalization, trust, and provenance core topics for Semantic Web research. New retrieval paradigms, user interfaces, and visualization techniques have to unleash the power of the Semantic Web and at the same time hide its complexity from the user. Based on this vision, the journal welcomes contributions ranging from theoretical and foundational research over methods and tools to descriptions of concrete ontologies and applications in all areas. We especially welcome papers which add a social, spatial, and temporal dimension to Semantic Web research, as well as application-oriented papers making use of formal semantics. }, interhash = {c1f087b1ce12edbd7a1ac2aa3d269621}, intrahash = {c1f087b1ce12edbd7a1ac2aa3d269621} }