@electronic{funf.media.mit.edu, title = {funf | Open Sensing Framework}, url = {http://funf.media.mit.edu/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/e4ae174e26e049830251173c09820761/hotho}, keywords = {everyaware framework mit open sensing software}, added-at = {2011-10-21T14:32:45.000+0200}, description = {An Open Source Sensing Framework.}, interhash = {e4ae174e26e049830251173c09820761}, intrahash = {e4ae174e26e049830251173c09820761} } @electronic{wids.lids.mit.edu, title = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks }, url = {http://wids.lids.mit.edu/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5/benz}, keywords = {2011 decision information mit social_networks workshop}, added-at = {2011-02-16T23:23:14.000+0100}, description = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks }, interhash = {5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5}, intrahash = {5d8c3e769fe23df781a2c52a860ec9b5} } @electronic{www.zeit.de, title = {Technikgeschichte: J. Weizenbaum über den Alptraum Computer (1972) | ZEIT online}, url = {http://www.zeit.de/1972/03/Albtraum-Computer}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/aa44de3cabf12bea0b5c5edc810cf572/benz}, keywords = {albtraum_computer artikel mit weizenbaum zeit zeitung}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:09:07.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {aa44de3cabf12bea0b5c5edc810cf572}, intrahash = {aa44de3cabf12bea0b5c5edc810cf572} } @electronic{ocw.mit.edu, title = {MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2008 | Home}, url = {http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-006Spring-2008/CourseHome/index.htm}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/50d878f72d956a9ea0e208ca7ee53b6d/benz}, keywords = {algo_ds algorithmen kurs mit opencourseware}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:34.000+0100}, description = {This course provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems. It covers the common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve these problems. The course emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming, and introduces basic performance measures and analysis techniques for these problems.}, interhash = {50d878f72d956a9ea0e208ca7ee53b6d}, intrahash = {50d878f72d956a9ea0e208ca7ee53b6d} } @electronic{www.technologyreview.com, title = {Technology Review: A Better Way to Rank Expertise Online}, url = {http://www.technologyreview.com/web/23100/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/17bcfb86c4035b5b7cdd1623360a73ca/benz}, keywords = {MIT ciro interview}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:08:16.000+0100}, description = {A Better Way to Rank Expertise OnlineNew software distinguishes between experts and spammers, showing who can be trusted. }, interhash = {17bcfb86c4035b5b7cdd1623360a73ca}, intrahash = {17bcfb86c4035b5b7cdd1623360a73ca} }