@electronic{dev.twitter.com, title = {GET search | Twitter Developers}, url = {https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/search}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/d01b50348e1762f20ed651efd34ba152/stephandoerfel}, keywords = {api developers search tweet twitter}, added-at = {2011-09-05T14:19:42.000+0200}, description = {Returns tweets that match a specified query. To best learn how to use Twitter Search effectively, consult our guide to [node:203] Notice: As of April 1st 2010, the Search API provides an option to retrieve "popular tweets" in addition to real-time search results.}, interhash = {d01b50348e1762f20ed651efd34ba152}, intrahash = {d01b50348e1762f20ed651efd34ba152} } @electronic{developer.android.com, title = {Platform Versions | Android Developers}, url = {http://developer.android.com/resources/dashboard/platform-versions.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/167a59f7aa6074c4d62dcec657273345/hotho}, keywords = {android developers os version verteilung}, added-at = {2011-04-05T12:03:59.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {167a59f7aa6074c4d62dcec657273345}, intrahash = {167a59f7aa6074c4d62dcec657273345} } @electronic{dev.mendeley.com, title = {Mendeley Developers Portal}, url = {http://dev.mendeley.com/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/466db4b4e8c5dea75f0b7900e9806811/hotho}, keywords = {api battle developers mendeley}, added-at = {2011-04-01T15:05:52.000+0200}, description = {The Mendeley API binary battle Build an app, make science more open, win $10,001! We’ve built the world’s largest crowdsourced research database, available under a Creative Commons license. We want to see a world in which science is mashed up... with anything. Science can benefit everyone, but it needs the support of the tech community to make it happen.}, interhash = {466db4b4e8c5dea75f0b7900e9806811}, intrahash = {466db4b4e8c5dea75f0b7900e9806811} }