@book{weber2005, asin = {3861507307}, author = {Weber, Max}, ean = {9783861507307}, edition = {3., Aufl.}, interhash = {eda494b5cace8f658a28a691c4b7f9b9}, intrahash = {a7e1a32ef023361ae05dd65c0821a43c}, isbn = {3861507307}, publisher = {Zweitausendeins}, title = {Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Grundriss der verstehenden Soziologie}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Wirtschaft-Gesellschaft-Grundriss-verstehenden-Soziologie/dp/3861507307/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299684524&sr=1-3}, year = 2005 } @book{Smith1990, author = {Smith, Adam}, edition = 5, groups = {public}, interhash = {2c746163c0ba0043ac356b2af63315de}, intrahash = {59c8cc9fb1daa434021d25d75f2d2bed}, note = {Vollständige Ausgabe nach der 5. Auflage (letzter Hand), London 1789.}, publisher = {Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag}, signatur = {Q 39/39}, standort = {ComHe}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:27}, title = {Der {W}ohlstand der {N}ationen. {E}ine {U}ntersuchung seiner {N}atur und seiner {U}rsachen. {A}us dem {E}nglischen übertragen und mit einer umfassenden {W}ürdigung des {G}esamtwerkes herausgegeben von {H}orst {C}laus {R}ecktenwald}, username = {droessler}, year = 1990 } @article{Strange1999a, abstract = {From an international political economy perspective, the international political system of states claiming exclusive authority and the monopoly of legitimate violence within their territorial limits -- the so[hyphen]called {W}estphalia system -- is inseparable from the prevailing capitalist market economy which also first evolved in {E}urope. {E}ach was a necessary condition for the evolution of the other. {T}o prosper, production and trade required the security provided by the state. {T}o survive, the state required the economic growth, and the credit[hyphen]creating system of finance, provided by the economic system. {B}ut the latter has now created three major problems that the political system, by its very nature, is incapable of solving. {F}irst, there is the major failure to manage and control the financial system -- witness the {A}sian turmoil of 1997. {S}econd, there is the failure to act for the protection of the environment. {T}hird, there is a failure to preserve a socio[hyphen]economic balance between the rich and powerful and the poor and weak. {T}he {W}estfailure system is thus failing {C}apitalism, the {P}lanet and global (and national) civil society.}, author = {Strange, Susan}, doi = {10.1017/S0260210599003459}, groups = {public}, interhash = {756daaf948f6c3d6aa7c83bf7a4f8342}, intrahash = {9431ecf5f4161a68ea6a7f3880c18c54}, journal = {Review of {I}nternational {S}tudies}, number = 3, pages = {531-535}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:28}, title = {The {W}estfailure system}, username = {droessler}, volume = 25, year = 1999 } @book{Demirovic1992, abstract = {Zu den {D}iskussionen über die gegenwärtige {U}mbruchsituation der kapitalistischen {G}esellschaften hat die {R}egulationstheorie mit dem {K}onzept der {K}rise des {F}ordismus einen wichtigen und in der {B}undesrepublik zu wenig beachteten {B}eitrag geleistet. {I}n ihrem {M}ittelpunkt steht die {E}insicht, dass selbst elementare ökonomische {V}erhältnisse {E}rgebnis von politischen {P}rojekten, sozialen {A}useinandersetzungen und kompromißhaften {I}nstitutionalisierungsprozessen sind. {I}n dem {S}ammelband kommen neben {A}. {L}ipietz, {R}. {B}oyer und {R}. {D}elorme mit {B}ob {J}essop, {J}oachim {H}irsch, {R}oger {K}eil, {S}ue {R}uddick und den {H}erausgebern maßgebliche {V}ertreter der nationalen wie internationalen {D}iskussion zu {W}ort. ({V}erlagsbeschreibung)}, address = {Münster}, editor = {Demirovic, Alex and Krebs, Hans-Peter and Sablowski, Thomas}, groups = {public}, interhash = {f442599b2a00ca0e750cfce980c59f59}, intrahash = {b45960616a6978414e05f70902c97187}, publisher = {Westfälisches Dampfboot}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:37}, title = {Hegemonie und {S}taat. {K}apitalistische {R}egulation als {P}rojekt und {P}rozeß}, username = {droessler}, year = 1992 } @article{Wolf2005, abstract = {Martin {W}olf ist {C}hefkolumnist der {F}inancial {T}imes; liberaler {B}efürworter der {G}lobalisierung mit {A}nknüpfung an die klassische politische Ökonomie {D}er {A}rtikel basiert auf dem {B}uch "`{W}hy {G}lobalization {W}orks"' (2004)}, author = {Wolf, Martin}, groups = {public}, interhash = {be7cd6114479d4733cf143a27bc8c56e}, intrahash = {4b548aaf56e06c2b682471070e6298e6}, journal = {Internationale {P}olitik}, number = 1, pages = {6-16}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:31}, title = {Märkte, {D}emokratie und {F}rieden. {K}apitalismus funktioniert nicht ohne {F}reiheit. {N}ur die liberale {D}emokratie kann die {P}robleme unserer {W}elt auf {D}auer lösen}, username = {droessler}, year = 2005 }