@book{weber2005, asin = {3861507307}, author = {Weber, Max}, ean = {9783861507307}, edition = {3., Aufl.}, interhash = {eda494b5cace8f658a28a691c4b7f9b9}, intrahash = {a7e1a32ef023361ae05dd65c0821a43c}, isbn = {3861507307}, publisher = {Zweitausendeins}, title = {Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Grundriss der verstehenden Soziologie}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Wirtschaft-Gesellschaft-Grundriss-verstehenden-Soziologie/dp/3861507307/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299684524&sr=1-3}, year = 2005 } @book{Smith1990, author = {Smith, Adam}, edition = 5, groups = {public}, interhash = {2c746163c0ba0043ac356b2af63315de}, intrahash = {59c8cc9fb1daa434021d25d75f2d2bed}, note = {Vollständige Ausgabe nach der 5. Auflage (letzter Hand), London 1789.}, publisher = {Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag}, signatur = {Q 39/39}, standort = {ComHe}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:27}, title = {Der {W}ohlstand der {N}ationen. {E}ine {U}ntersuchung seiner {N}atur und seiner {U}rsachen. {A}us dem {E}nglischen übertragen und mit einer umfassenden {W}ürdigung des {G}esamtwerkes herausgegeben von {H}orst {C}laus {R}ecktenwald}, username = {droessler}, year = 1990 } @article{Strange1999a, abstract = {From an international political economy perspective, the international political system of states claiming exclusive authority and the monopoly of legitimate violence within their territorial limits -- the so[hyphen]called {W}estphalia system -- is inseparable from the prevailing capitalist market economy which also first evolved in {E}urope. {E}ach was a necessary condition for the evolution of the other. {T}o prosper, production and trade required the security provided by the state. {T}o survive, the state required the economic growth, and the credit[hyphen]creating system of finance, provided by the economic system. {B}ut the latter has now created three major problems that the political system, by its very nature, is incapable of solving. {F}irst, there is the major failure to manage and control the financial system -- witness the {A}sian turmoil of 1997. {S}econd, there is the failure to act for the protection of the environment. {T}hird, there is a failure to preserve a socio[hyphen]economic balance between the rich and powerful and the poor and weak. {T}he {W}estfailure system is thus failing {C}apitalism, the {P}lanet and global (and national) civil society.}, author = {Strange, Susan}, doi = {10.1017/S0260210599003459}, groups = {public}, interhash = {756daaf948f6c3d6aa7c83bf7a4f8342}, intrahash = {9431ecf5f4161a68ea6a7f3880c18c54}, journal = {Review of {I}nternational {S}tudies}, number = 3, pages = {531-535}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:28}, title = {The {W}estfailure system}, username = {droessler}, volume = 25, year = 1999 } @book{Demirovic1992, abstract = {Zu den {D}iskussionen über die gegenwärtige {U}mbruchsituation der kapitalistischen {G}esellschaften hat die {R}egulationstheorie mit dem {K}onzept der {K}rise des {F}ordismus einen wichtigen und in der {B}undesrepublik zu wenig beachteten {B}eitrag geleistet. {I}n ihrem {M}ittelpunkt steht die {E}insicht, dass selbst elementare ökonomische {V}erhältnisse {E}rgebnis von politischen {P}rojekten, sozialen {A}useinandersetzungen und kompromißhaften {I}nstitutionalisierungsprozessen sind. {I}n dem {S}ammelband kommen neben {A}. {L}ipietz, {R}. {B}oyer und {R}. {D}elorme mit {B}ob {J}essop, {J}oachim {H}irsch, {R}oger {K}eil, {S}ue {R}uddick und den {H}erausgebern maßgebliche {V}ertreter der nationalen wie internationalen {D}iskussion zu {W}ort. ({V}erlagsbeschreibung)}, address = {Münster}, editor = {Demirovic, Alex and Krebs, Hans-Peter and Sablowski, Thomas}, groups = {public}, interhash = {f442599b2a00ca0e750cfce980c59f59}, intrahash = {b45960616a6978414e05f70902c97187}, publisher = {Westfälisches Dampfboot}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:37}, title = {Hegemonie und {S}taat. {K}apitalistische {R}egulation als {P}rojekt und {P}rozeß}, username = {droessler}, year = 1992 } @article{Wolf2005, abstract = {Martin {W}olf ist {C}hefkolumnist der {F}inancial {T}imes; liberaler {B}efürworter der {G}lobalisierung mit {A}nknüpfung an die klassische politische Ökonomie {D}er {A}rtikel basiert auf dem {B}uch "`{W}hy {G}lobalization {W}orks"' (2004)}, author = {Wolf, Martin}, groups = {public}, interhash = {be7cd6114479d4733cf143a27bc8c56e}, intrahash = {4b548aaf56e06c2b682471070e6298e6}, journal = {Internationale {P}olitik}, number = 1, pages = {6-16}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:31}, title = {Märkte, {D}emokratie und {F}rieden. {K}apitalismus funktioniert nicht ohne {F}reiheit. {N}ur die liberale {D}emokratie kann die {P}robleme unserer {W}elt auf {D}auer lösen}, username = {droessler}, year = 2005 } @book{Wolf2004, abstract = {vgl. die {R}ezension und auch wolf2005 {T}he debate on globalization has reached a level of intensity that inhibits comprehension and obscures the issues. {I}n this book a highly distinguished international economist scrupulously explains how globalization works as a concept and how it operates in reality. {M}artin {W}olf confronts the charges against globalization, delivers a devastating critique of each, and offers a realistic scenario for economic internationalism in the future. {W}olf begins by outlining the history of the global economy in the twentieth century and explaining the mechanics of world trade. {H}e dissects the agenda of globalization's critics, and rebuts the arguments that it undermines sovereignty, weakens democracy, intensifies inequality, privileges the multi-national corporation, and devastates the environment. {T}he author persuasively defends the principles of international economic integration, arguing that the biggest obstacle to global economic progress has been the failure not of the market, but of politics and government, in rich countries as well as poor. {H}e examines the threat that terrorism poses and maps the way to a global market economy that can work for everyone.}, address = {New Haven, Conn.}, author = {Wolf, Martin}, groups = {public}, interhash = {76419641617f191cb04fce6d98fadcc1}, intrahash = {c007387792ab3c3dbe39f891b30f8bd9}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, review = {From {P}ublishers {W}eekly {T}he author, a {F}inancial {T}imes editor, makes a conventional economist's argument for globalization that is not likely to convince many skeptics. {H}is faith is that growth and everything else good comes from "the market," while any problems with globalization must be the fault of governments. {W}olf doesn't consider that economic processes redistribute power and therefore transform politics and the possibilities of government action. {L}ike so many economists, he analyzes primarily aggregate statistics: gray averages. {F}or example, using aggregate figures he argues that workers in rich countries are paid more because they are much more productive than workers in poor countries are. {T}hus high-paid workers need not fear that competition from low-paid workers will undermine their economic security. {T}he reason, he explains, is that workers in developed countries work, on average, with far less capital per worker. {W}hile this is true in aggregate, for a particular transnational firm deciding whether to locate a new factory in {S}hanghai or {C}hicago, the difference in productivity will rarely be as great as the wage differential. {T}herefore, as long as other costs and risks do not overwhelm the benefit of cheaper labor, there is a long-term tendency for investment and jobs to flow toward low-wage countries. {W}olf neglects the profound consequences of relative labor immobility (because of immigration restrictions and cultural barriers) compared with the mobility of products, many services and capital, one of the characteristic features of contemporary globalization. {C}opyright © {R}eed {B}usiness {I}nformation, a division of {R}eed {E}lsevier {I}nc. {A}ll rights reserved.}, signatur = {oek 3968/169}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBW}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:32}, title = {Why {G}lobalization {W}orks}, username = {droessler}, year = 2004 } @article{Amoore1997, author = {Amoore, Louise and Dogdson, Richard and Gills, Barry K. and Langley, Paul and Marshall, Don and Watson, Iain}, groups = {public}, interhash = {68988977899a7922095131bde11344ae}, intrahash = {70956d00b61b78e25e825f83bcb4f077}, journal = {New {P}olitical {E}conomy}, number = 1, pages = {179-195}, signatur = {1118}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:39}, title = {Overturning "`{G}lobalisation"': {R}esisting the {T}eleological, {R}eclaiming the "`{P}olitical"'}, username = {droessler}, volume = 2, year = 1997 } @incollection{Dahrendorf1998, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Dahrendorf, Ralf}, booktitle = {Perspektiven der {W}eltgesellschaft}, editor = {Beck, Ulrich}, groups = {public}, interhash = {9fcf75a0e79fd18c2eb6de208acb01ab}, intrahash = {acd0cd82e0a07dd52fa880f6757a988a}, pages = {41-54}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:50}, title = {Anmerkungen zur {G}lobalisierung}, username = {droessler}, year = 1998 } @book{Habermas1998, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Habermas, Jürgen}, groups = {public}, interhash = {43f63d28723301e2f47a919903e68c9b}, intrahash = {d86e262c41da849c937bf4b526c91a76}, publisher = {Suhrkamp-Verlag}, signatur = {G 8/271}, standort = {ComHe}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:54}, title = {Die postnationale {K}onstellation}, username = {droessler}, year = 1998 } @article{Lee1995, author = {Lee, Eun-Jeung}, groups = {public}, interhash = {b0a016c88c7b89e9372c88f97ab32841}, intrahash = {66baf6ed2669cb0de814ae31395e62d7}, journal = {Leviathan}, number = 4, pages = {517-529}, signatur = {1195}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:03}, title = {Max {W}eber und der "`konfuzianische {K}apitalismus"'}, username = {droessler}, volume = 23, year = 1995 } @book{Lipietz1998, address = {Berlin}, author = {Lipietz, Alain}, groups = {public}, interhash = {4e0822f4d0e91f15c6dea6d1b21540f5}, intrahash = {f4886c85dd3b0717836ef080c80a1fce}, publisher = {Argument-Verlag}, signatur = {HF 60 33}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBS}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:04}, title = {Nach dem {E}nde des "`{G}oldenen {Z}eitalters"': {R}egulation und {T}ransformation kapitalistischer {G}esellschaften. {A}usgewählte {S}chriften, herausgegeben von {H}ans-{P}eter {K}rebs}, username = {droessler}, year = 1998 } @book{Lipietz1997, address = {Hamburg}, author = {Lipietz, Alain}, groups = {public}, interhash = {8ea2fcbca4176cd4ab36ee80b2471bcf}, intrahash = {785e7528e1318a003a0e1d9e29ca64b4}, publisher = {VSA-Verlag}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:05}, title = {Die {W}elt des {P}ostfordismus. Über die strukturellen {V}eränderungen der entwickelten kapitalistischen {G}esellschaften}, username = {droessler}, year = 1997 }