@article{Blocher2017, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag zeigt, wie sich Lizenzbescheinigungen und -{\"{u}}bertragungen auf einer Blockchain f{\"{a}}lschungssi- cher und beweiskr{\"{a}}ftig dokumentieren lassen. Dabei wird zum einen die Verwaltung von Rechten auf der Blockchain prinzipiell erl{\"{a}}utert und zum anderen ein konkret implementierbares V erfahren pr{\"{a}}sentiert und zur Diskussion gestellt. Neuartig gegen{\"{u}}ber bisher beschriebenen Ans{\"{a}}tzen ist bei dem hier vorgestellten Verfahren die Verkn{\"{u}}pfung einer Kette von Lizenztransaktionen auf der Blockchain mit einem Zertifikat, das An gaben {\"{u}}ber die Softwareli- zenz als solche und zum Nachweis der Identit{\"{a}}t jener Stelle enth{\"{a}}lt, welche die Lizenz bescheinigt hat. Damit sind die hohen Anforderungen, die von der aktu- ellen Rechtsprechung an den Handel mit gebrauchter Software gestellt werden, erf{\"{u}}llbar. Das Verfahren kann von Softwareherstellern od er mit deren Unterst{\"{u}}tzung genutzt werden, es l{\"{a}}sst sich aber auch ohne Koopera- tion des Herstellers der jeweiligen Software anwenden.}, author = {Blocher, Walter and Hoppen, Alexander and Hoppen, Peter}, doi = {10.9785/cr-2017-0508}, interhash = {8645e06f281b31686b7956367263eac5}, intrahash = {d8acf5df2765dee75697150ed43f9341}, issn = {2194-4172}, journal = {Computer und Recht}, mendeley-tags = {dlt,dltdms,dltown,LicenceManagement,lincence,Software,DRM,DigitalRightsManagement}, month = jan, number = 5, title = {Report und Technik. Softwarelizenzen auf der Blockchain }, url = {http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cr.2017.33.issue-5/cr-2017-0508/cr-2017-0508.xml}, volume = 33, year = 2017 } @incollection{tilley2005formal, abstract = {Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) has typically been applied in the field of software engineering to support software maintenance and object-oriented class identification tasks. This paper presents a broader overview by describing and classifying academic papers that report the application of FCA to software engineering. The papers are classified using a framework based on the activities defined in the ISO12207 Software Engineering standard. Two alternate classification schemes based on the programming language under analysis and target application size are also discussed. In addition, the authors work to support agile methods and formal specification via FCA is introduced.}, acmid = {2137755}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, author = {Tilley, Thomas and Cole, Richard and Becker, Peter and Eklund, Peter}, chapter = {A Survey of Formal Concept Analysis Support for Software Engineering Activities}, editor = {Ganter, Bernhard and Stumme, Gerd and Wille, Rudolf}, interhash = {cc08f431729dfbf3d1c23cb0eb07201e}, intrahash = {5343a1ed9ea7c5492afbcf198fae7caa}, isbn = {3-540-27891-5, 978-3-540-27891-7}, numpages = {22}, pages = {250--271}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, title = {Formal Concept Analysis}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2137739.2137755}, year = 2005 } @article{ensenbach2011latex, abstract = {Die Erstellung dieser kleinen Übersicht wurde angeregt durch eine Diskussion in der deutschsprachigen TEX-Newsgroup über das wiederholte Auftauchen von veralteten und »schlechten« Paketen und Befehlen. Wir versuchen in diesem Artikel die gängigsten Fehler zu zeigen und Alternativen anzubieten. Diese Übersicht soll weder Einführungen wie l2kurz [10] noch die De-TeX- FAQ ersetzen, sondern lediglich einen kleinen Überblick bieten. Für Vorschläge, Verbesserungen und Kommentare sind wir dankbar. }, author = {Ensenbach, Marc and Trettin, Mark}, interhash = {8afa5ccfe14ddf9587c5efa9cd4643f7}, intrahash = {4722dae8a5867536018d1b1b949d9274}, month = sep, title = {Das LATEX 2ε-Sündenregister}, url = {ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/info/l2tabu/german/l2tabu.pdf}, year = 2011 } @book{pan2013ontologydriven, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, editor = {Pan, Jeff Z.}, format = {book}, interhash = {b227c90d573b8bbe06380a07d797612e}, intrahash = {b88adb2114769033172f3974ad1aaaac}, isbn = {9783642312250}, partauthors = {Pan, Jeff Z. (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Springer}, shorttitle = {Ontology-Driven Software Development}, subtitle = {Jeff Z. Pan ... eds.}, title = {Ontology-Driven Software Development}, titlestatement = {Jeff Z. Pan ... eds.}, uniqueid = {HEB309548594}, url = {http://scans.hebis.de/HEBCGI/show.pl?30954859_cov.jpg}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{kibanov2013select, author = {Kibanov, Mark and Erdmann, Dominik J. and Atzmueller, Martin}, booktitle = {Software Engineering 2013 - Workshopband}, editors = {Stefan Wagner and Horst Lichter}, interhash = {5ca8db994c0eac678d74c889dc02eaee}, intrahash = {f94a42249c770cdf5d62e4ec3db073e9}, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik}, title = {{How to Select a Suitable Tool for a Software Development Project: Three Case Studies and the Lessons Learned}}, year = 2013 } @article{baresi2006toward, abstract = {Traditional software development is based on the closed-world assumption that the boundary between system and environment is known and unchanging. However, this assumption no longer works within today's unpredictable open-world settings, which demands techniques that let software react to changes by self-organizing its structure and self-adapting its behavior.}, acmid = {1175938}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, author = {Baresi, Luciano and Di Nitto, Elisabetta and Ghezzi, Carlo}, doi = {10.1109/MC.2006.362}, interhash = {8901685f20a7b2a9334c3637eb33e785}, intrahash = {c9448fcba918899d9e149a4f5babfc2e}, issn = {0018-9162}, issue_date = {October 2006}, journal = {Computer}, month = oct, number = 10, numpages = {8}, pages = {36--43}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, title = {Toward Open-World Software: Issue and Challenges}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MC.2006.362}, volume = 39, year = 2006 } @article{li2011design, abstract = {We examine the use of modern recommender system technology to aid command awareness in complex software applications. We first describe our adaptation of traditional recommender system algorithms to meet the unique requirements presented by the domain of software commands. A user study showed that our item-based collaborative filtering algorithm generates 2.1 times as many good suggestions as existing techniques. Motivated by these positive results, we propose a design space framework and its associated algorithms to support both global and contextual recommendations. To evaluate the algorithms, we developed the CommunityCommands plug-in for AutoCAD. This plug-in enabled us to perform a 6-week user study of real-time, within-application command recommendations in actual working environments. We report and visualize command usage behaviors during the study, and discuss how the recommendations affected users behaviors. In particular, we found that the plug-in successfully exposed users to new commands, as unique commands issued significantly increased.}, acmid = {1970380}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, articleno = {6}, author = {Li, Wei and Matejka, Justin and Grossman, Tovi and Konstan, Joseph A. and Fitzmaurice, George}, doi = {10.1145/1970378.1970380}, interhash = {73e969e2db8875605d0b1fa8a0d6333d}, intrahash = {3aec947c38d63f96a4242c95a8c85ee7}, issn = {1073-0516}, issue_date = {June 2011}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction}, month = jul, number = 2, numpages = {35}, pages = {6:1--6:35}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Design and evaluation of a command recommendation system for software applications}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1970378.1970380}, volume = 18, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{ls_leimeister, address = {Zurich, Switzerland}, author = {Klendauer, Ruth and Hoffmann, Axel and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Berkovich, Marina and Krcmar, Helmut}, booktitle = {5th International Workshop on Co-operative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), ICSE 2012 Workshop}, interhash = {b619a9d618d7039aac3b70959655a34c}, intrahash = {912918c5a4b3c9ee491494fa6625f131}, note = 332, pages = {66-72}, title = {Using the IDEAL Software Process Improvement Model for the Implementation of Automotive SPICE}, url = {http://pubs.wi-kassel.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/JML_347.pdf}, year = 2012 } @misc{cao07casestudy, author = {Cao, Yiwei and Ehms, Karsten and Fiedler, Sebastian and Hofer, Margit and Kaiamo, Anna-Kaarina and Kieslinger, Barbara and Klamma, Ralf and Krause, Beate and Kravcik, Milos and Ryyppö, Tommi and Spaniol, Marc and Stumme, Gerd and Wild, Fridolin}, interhash = {96bc6617b9a6260a1bef2403d762f383}, intrahash = {5dc735281a6be72a54186018e0166740}, note = {Deliverable 15.2, European Network of Excellence ``Prolearn - Professional E-Learning''}, title = {Case study on social software use in distributed working environments}, url = {http://www.prolearn-project.org/deliverables/view?id=1432}, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{AR:10b, author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Roth-Berghofer, Thomas}, booktitle = {Proc. Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing ExaCt 2010 @ ECAI 2010}, interhash = {7dab16aeb2f5567ca898435afde31a4f}, intrahash = {d958a4e9a180a47b82c279a727ac53a5}, title = {Towards Explanation-Aware Social Software: Applying the Mining and Analysis Continuum of Explaining}, year = 2010 } @unpublished{ensenbach2011latex, abstract = {Die Erstellung dieser kleinen Übersicht wurde angeregt durch eine Diskussion in der deutschsprachigen TEX-Newsgroup über das wiederholte Auftauchen von veralteten und »schlechten« Paketen und Befehlen. Wir versuchen in diesem Artikel die gängigsten Fehler zu zeigen und Alternativen anzubieten. Diese Übersicht soll weder Einführungen wie l2kurz [10] noch die De-TeX- FAQ ersetzen, sondern lediglich einen kleinen Überblick bieten. Für Vorschläge, Verbesserungen und Kommentare sind wir dankbar. }, author = {Ensenbach, Marc and Trettin, Mark}, interhash = {8afa5ccfe14ddf9587c5efa9cd4643f7}, intrahash = {bf2fcf9f32bfb8c92c15b1a619895420}, month = sep, title = {Das LATEX 2ε-Sündenregister}, url = {ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/info/l2tabu/german/l2tabu.pdf}, year = 2011 } @book{gamma1994design, asin = {0201633612}, author = {Gamma, Erich and Helm, Richard and Johnson, Ralph E.}, dewey = {005.12}, ean = {9780201633610}, edition = {1st ed., Reprint.}, interhash = {538f15d7e6e935d65579775dfe8b6ddd}, intrahash = {86f0f1f1b5899d2594317169583391ce}, isbn = {0201633612}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam}, title = {Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented-Software/dp/0201633612/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1302724786&sr=8-1}, year = 1994 } @inproceedings{becker02toscana, address = {Lyon, France}, author = {Becker, P. and Hereth, J. and Stumme, G.}, booktitle = {Advances in Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery in Databases.}, comment = {alpha}, editor = {Duquenne, V. and Ganter, B. and Liquiere, M. and Nguifo, E. M. and Stumme, G.}, interhash = {11645e2f27813bd69c34231006680f7d}, intrahash = {9c8080aa372c4ac558c11465d817499a}, month = {July 23,}, pages = {1-2}, title = {Toscana{J}: An Open Source Tool for Qualitative Data Analysis}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2002/FCAKDD02.pdf}, year = 2002 } @misc{cao07casestudy, author = {Cao, Yiwei and Ehms, Karsten and Fiedler, Sebastian and Hofer, Margit and Kaiamo, Anna-Kaarina and Kieslinger, Barbara and Klamma, Ralf and Krause, Beate and Kravcik, Milos and Ryyppö, Tommi and Spaniol, Marc and Stumme, Gerd and Wild, Fridolin}, interhash = {96bc6617b9a6260a1bef2403d762f383}, intrahash = {5dc735281a6be72a54186018e0166740}, note = {Deliverable 15.2, European Network of Excellence ``Prolearn - Professional E-Learning''}, title = {Case study on social software use in distributed working environments}, url = {http://www.prolearn-project.org/deliverables/view?id=1432}, year = 2007 } @article{journals/tkde/BrunoW07, author = {Bruno, Nicolas and Wang, Hui}, date = {2007-06-05}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2007.1011}, interhash = {10808bc663c45993fb1f7fb6cf8cadd9}, intrahash = {e858b8ea4131ca83354910e12d26b389}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.}, number = 4, pages = {523-537}, title = {The Threshold Algorithm: From Middleware Systems to the Relational Engine.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/tkde/tkde19.html#BrunoW07}, volume = 19, year = 2007 } @article{michael2006social, abstract = {Zusammenfassung  Ausgehend vom Begriff des Web 2.0 werden die Merkmale und Möglichkeiten sog. Social Software vorgestellt. Der Beitrag erläutert den Begriff und gibt einen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Arten. Merkmale und Nutzenpotentiale sowie Beispiele werdenvorgestellt.}, author = {Bächle, Michael}, interhash = {9c13392522490174c44b2562d13193f7}, intrahash = {9f3afc8a39415b9a6a58c8c8c570f1d5}, journal = {Informatik-Spektrum}, month = {#apr#}, number = 2, pages = {121--124}, title = {Social Software}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00287-006-0063-2}, volume = 29, year = 2006 } @book{gamma1995design, address = {Amsterdam}, asin = {0201633612}, author = {Gamma, Erich and Helm, Richard and Johnson, Ralph E.}, dewey = {005.12}, ean = {9780201633610}, edition = {1st ed., Reprint.}, interhash = {148e2a0e691f5457c157fd00f4aeb638}, intrahash = {a9d7c71c38d471b32c94dcb331a09961}, isbn = {0201633612}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman}, title = {Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented-Software/dp/0201633612%3FSubscriptionId%3D13CT5CVB80YFWJEPWS02%26tag%3Dws%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D0201633612}, year = 1995 } @incollection{citeulike:3149792, abstract = {The motivation behind many Information Retrieval systems is to identify and present relevant information to people given their current goals and needs. Learning about user preferences and access patterns recent technologies make it possible to model user information needs and adapt services to meet these needs. In previous work we have presented ASSIST, a general-purpose platform which incorporates various types of social support into existing information access systems and reported on our deployment experience in a highly goal driven environment (ACM Digital Library). In this work we present our experiences in applying ASSIST to a domain where goals are less focused and where casual exploration is more dominant; YouTube. We present a general study of YouTube access patterns and detail how the ASSIST architecture affected the access patterns of users in this domain.}, author = {Coyle, Maurice and Freyne, Jill and Brusilovsky, Peter and Smyth, Barry}, citeulike-article-id = {3149792}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70987-9\_12}, interhash = {487512d7286ca43ca9b96ee4a0efc198}, intrahash = {f75eb556b19abd7b399f2f27ae49cb1c}, journal = {Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems}, pages = {93--102}, posted-at = {2008-10-13 00:16:23}, priority = {2}, title = {Social Information Access for the Rest of Us: An Exploration of Social YouTube}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/6h410u3w4836v866/}, year = 2008 } @book{0387954333, asin = {0387954333}, author = {Weiss, Sholom M. and Indurkhya, Nitin and Zhang, T.}, dewey = {006.312}, ean = {9780387954332}, edition = 1, interhash = {d75b9da07cf40d54a79e6d8995f78a31}, intrahash = {6ac07561b543e6033fd4c9811d0dccad}, isbn = {0387954333}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin}, title = {Text Mining. Predictive Methods for Analyzing Unstructured Information}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/gp/redirect.html%3FASIN=0387954333%26tag=ws%26lcode=xm2%26cID=2025%26ccmID=165953%26location=/o/ASIN/0387954333%253FSubscriptionId=13CT5CVB80YFWJEPWS02}, year = 2004 } @article{snelting96reengineering, author = {Snelting, Gregor}, date = {2003-11-26}, ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/227607.227613}, interhash = {38022fd9995667456d7ca4328c2de7f3}, intrahash = {ae94cf6197736f92e0f75049c351f5ab}, journal = {ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.}, number = 2, pages = {146-189}, title = {Reengineering of Configurations Based on Mathematical Concept Analysis}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/tosem/tosem5.html#Snelting96}, volume = 5, year = 1996 }