@inproceedings{scholz2013people, author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Kibanov, Mark and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {ASONAM}, interhash = {8b6051b794789000c4baa5ab059fab18}, intrahash = {bf958ff2b11df1d9d15d9287ea07a5c9}, title = {How Do People Link? Analysis of Contact Structures in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{christophscholzandmartinatzmuellerandalainbarratandcirocattutoandgerdstumme2013insights, address = {Palo Alto, CA, USA}, author = {{Christoph Scholz and Martin Atzmueller and Alain Barrat and Ciro Cattuto and Gerd Stumme}}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th Intl. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media}, interhash = {18e166abcc948c86d6d4e9de9b204760}, intrahash = {3dce3522e260238f2a8e802b52096cb7}, optpages = {To appear}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, title = {{New Insights and Methods For Predicting Face-To-Face Contacts}}, year = 2013 }