@book{balbymarinho2012recommender, abstract = {Social Tagging Systems are web applications in which users upload resources (e.g., bookmarks, videos, photos, etc.) and annotate it with a list of freely chosen keywords called tags. This is a grassroots approach to organize a site and help users to find the resources they are interested in. Social tagging systems are open and inherently social; features that have been proven to encourage participation. However, with the large popularity of these systems and the increasing amount of user-contributed content, information overload rapidly becomes an issue. Recommender Systems are well known applications for increasing the level of relevant content over the “noise” that continuously grows as more and more content becomes available online. In social tagging systems, however, we face new challenges. While in classic recommender systems the mode of recommendation is basically the resource, in social tagging systems there are three possible modes of recommendation: users, resources, or tags. Therefore suitable methods that properly exploit the different dimensions of social tagging systems data are needed. In this book, we survey the most recent and state-of-the-art work about a whole new generation of recommender systems built to serve social tagging systems. The book is divided into self-contained chapters covering the background material on social tagging systems and recommender systems to the more advanced techniques like the ones based on tensor factorization and graph-based models.}, author = {Balby Marinho, L. and Hotho, A. and Jäschke, R. and Nanopoulos, A. and Rendle, S. and Schmidt-Thieme, L. and Stumme, G. and Symeonidis, P.}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1894-8}, interhash = {0bb7f0588cd690d67cc73e219a3a24fa}, intrahash = {87d6883ebd98e8810be45d7e7e4ade96}, isbn = {978-1-4614-1893-1}, month = feb, publisher = {Springer}, series = {SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering}, title = {Recommender Systems for Social Tagging Systems}, url = {http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4614-1894-8}, year = 2012 } @article{journals/insk/KrauseLHRS12, author = {Krause, Beate and Lerch, Hana and Hotho, Andreas and Roßnagel, Alexander and Stumme, Gerd}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00287-010-0485-8}, interhash = {3fca17b13ee1c002f41d3a2a4594b3e2}, intrahash = {df97de393d3421ef2e20384ddde16ab1}, journal = {Informatik Spektrum}, number = 1, pages = {12-23}, title = {Datenschutz im Web 2.0 am Beispiel des sozialen Tagging-Systems BibSonomy.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/insk/insk35.html#KrauseLHRS12}, volume = 35, year = 2012 } @incollection{jaeschke2012challenges, abstract = {Originally introduced by social bookmarking systems, collaborative tagging, or social tagging, has been widely adopted by many web-based systems like wikis, e-commerce platforms, or social networks. Collaborative tagging systems allow users to annotate resources using freely chosen keywords, so called tags . Those tags help users in finding/retrieving resources, discovering new resources, and navigating through the system. The process of tagging resources is laborious. Therefore, most systems support their users by tag recommender components that recommend tags in a personalized way. The Discovery Challenges 2008 and 2009 of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) tackled the problem of tag recommendations in collaborative tagging systems. Researchers were invited to test their methods in a competition on datasets from the social bookmark and publication sharing system BibSonomy. Moreover, the 2009 challenge included an online task where the recommender systems were integrated into BibSonomy and provided recommendations in real time. In this chapter we review, evaluate and summarize the submissions to the two Discovery Challenges and thus lay the groundwork for continuing research in this area.}, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, affiliation = {Knowledge & Data Engineering Group, University of Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, 34121 Kassel, Germany}, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Hotho, Andreas and Mitzlaff, Folke and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Recommender Systems for the Social Web}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-25694-3_3}, editor = {Pazos Arias, José J. and Fernández Vilas, Ana and Díaz Redondo, Rebeca P.}, interhash = {75b1a6f54ef54d0126d0616b5bf77563}, intrahash = {7d41d332cccc3e7ba8e7dadfb7996337}, isbn = {978-3-642-25694-3}, pages = {65--87}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Intelligent Systems Reference Library}, title = {Challenges in Tag Recommendations for Collaborative Tagging Systems}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25694-3_3}, volume = 32, year = 2012 } @incollection{marinho2011social, abstract = {The new generation of Web applications known as (STS) is successfully established and poised for continued growth. STS are open and inherently social; features that have been proven to encourage participation. But while STS bring new opportunities, they revive old problems, such as information overload. Recommender Systems are well known applications for increasing the level of relevant content over the noise that continuously grows as more and more content becomes available online. In STS however, we face new challenges. Users are interested in finding not only content, but also tags and even other users. Moreover, while traditional recommender systems usually operate over 2-way data arrays, STS data is represented as a third-order tensor or a hypergraph with hyperedges denoting (user, resource, tag) triples. In this chapter, we survey the most recent and state-of-the-art work about a whole new generation of recommender systems built to serve STS.We describe (a) novel facets of recommenders for STS, such as user, resource, and tag recommenders, (b) new approaches and algorithms for dealing with the ternary nature of STS data, and (c) recommender systems deployed in real world STS. Moreover, a concise comparison between existing works is presented, through which we identify and point out new research directions.}, address = {New York}, author = {Balby Marinho, Leandro and Nanopoulos, Alexandros and Schmidt-Thieme, Lars and Jäschke, Robert and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd and Symeonidis, Panagiotis}, booktitle = {Recommender Systems Handbook}, doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-85820-3_19}, editor = {Ricci, Francesco and Rokach, Lior and Shapira, Bracha and Kantor, Paul B.}, interhash = {2d4afa6f7fb103ccc166c9c5d629cdd1}, intrahash = {708be7b5c269bd3a9d3d2334f858d52d}, isbn = {978-0-387-85820-3}, pages = {615--644}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Social Tagging Recommender Systems}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-85820-3_19}, year = 2011 } @article{hotho2010publikationsmanagement, abstract = {Kooperative Verschlagwortungs- bzw. Social-Bookmarking-Systeme wie Delicious, Mister Wong oder auch unser eigenes System BibSonomy erfreuen sich immer gr{\"o}{\ss}erer Beliebtheit und bilden einen zentralen Bestandteil des heutigen Web 2.0. In solchen Systemen erstellen Nutzer leichtgewichtige Begriffssysteme, sogenannte Folksonomies, die die Nutzerdaten strukturieren. Die einfache Bedienbarkeit, die Allgegenw{\"a}rtigkeit, die st{\"a}ndige Verf{\"u}gbarkeit, aber auch die M{\"o}glichkeit, Gleichgesinnte spontan in solchen Systemen zu entdecken oder sie schlicht als Informationsquelle zu nutzen, sind Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r ihren gegenw{\"a}rtigen Erfolg. Der Artikel f{\"u}hrt den Begriff Social Bookmarking ein und diskutiert zentrale Elemente (wie Browsing und Suche) am Beispiel von BibSonomy anhand typischer Arbeitsabl{\"a}ufe eines Wissenschaftlers. Wir beschreiben die Architektur von BibSonomy sowie Wege der Integration und Vernetzung von BibSonomy mit Content-Management-Systemen und Webauftritten. Der Artikel schlie{\ss}t mit Querbez{\"u}gen zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen im Bereich Social Bookmarking.}, author = {Hotho, Andreas and Benz, Dominik and Eisterlehner, Folke and J{\"a}schke, Robert and Krause, Beate and Schmitz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd}, file = {dpunkt Product page:http\://hmd.dpunkt.de/271/05.html:URL}, interhash = {4555775b639fe1ec65a302a61ee6532c}, intrahash = {250d83c41fb10b89c73f54bd7040bd6e}, issn = {1436-3011}, journal = {HMD -- Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, month = {#feb#}, pages = {47-58}, title = {{Publikationsmanagement mit BibSonomy -- ein Social-Bookmarking-System f{\"u}r Wissenschaftler}}, volume = {Heft 271}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{jaeschke2009testingKDML, abstract = {The challenge to provide tag recommendations for collaborative tagging systems has attracted quite some attention of researchers lately. However, most research focused on evaluation and development of appropriate methods rather than tackling the practical challenges of how to integrate recommendation methods into real tagging systems, record and evaluate their performance. In this paper we describe the tag recommendation framework we developed for our social bookmark and publication sharing system BibSonomy. With the intention to develop, test, and evaluate recommendation algorithms and supporting cooperation with researchers, we designed the framework to be easily extensible, open for a variety of methods, and usable independent from BibSonomy. Furthermore, this paper presents an evaluation of two exemplarily deployed recommendation methods, demonstrating the power of the framework.}, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Eisterlehner, Folke and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning}, editor = {Benz, Dominik and Janssen, Frederik}, interhash = {440fafda1eccf4036066f457eb6674a0}, intrahash = {5e8f40e610e723e966676772aa205f80}, month = sep, pages = {44 --51}, title = {Testing and Evaluating Tag Recommenders in a Live System}, url = {http://lwa09.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/pub/KDML/WebHome/kdml09_R.Jaeschke_et_al.pdf}, year = 2009 }