@proceedings{proc_msm2011@eswc2011, booktitle = {Making Sense of Microposts {(\#MSM2011)}}, editor = {Rowe, Matthew and Stankovic, Milan and Dadzie, Aba-Sah and Hardey, Mariann}, interhash = {1590ada2c2ea27847ffd872ba4d8d07d}, intrahash = {620237891cabce63e8387ece58243f98}, month = may, title = {Proceedings, 1st Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts {(\#MSM2011)}: Big things come in small packages, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 30th May 2011}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-718}, year = 2011 } @proceedings{alani2006proceedings, editor = {Alani, Harith and Hoser, Bettina and Schmitz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd}, interhash = {e991143409a8f4acb9eabfe08a38e387}, intrahash = {786a452a14c5189d82dc56f16cc2a266}, title = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/ws/sna2006/}, year = 2006 }