@inproceedings{hereth2000conceptual, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Hereth, J. and Stumme, G. and Wille, R. and Wille, U.}, booktitle = {Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Proc. ICCS '00}, editor = {Ganter, B. and Mineau, G. W.}, interhash = {8a4c0c21d83c25bb78f80e89dd36a89a}, intrahash = {577e0f2074bbece17498848014d14705}, page = {{P}art of \cite{hereth03conceptual}}, pages = {421-437}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI}, title = {Conceptual Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2000/P2092_ICCS00_kdd.pdf}, volume = 1867, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{wille94plaedoyer, address = {Mannheim}, author = {Wille, Rudolf}, booktitle = {Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung -- Grundfragen und Aufgaben}, editor = {Wille, R. and Zickwolff, M.}, interhash = {fa7844087434a8fedb20933c02a9722f}, intrahash = {3d15f666da41efce3311baf2ecaa7d89}, journal = {B. I. -Wissenschaftsverlag}, pages = {11-25}, publisher = {B. I. -Wissenschaftsverlag}, title = {{Pl�doyer f�r eine philosophische Grundlegung der Begrifflichen Wissensverarbeitung}}, year = 1994 } @article{wille00begriffliche, author = {Wille, Rudolf}, date = {2002-01-03}, ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00287/bibs/0023006/00230357.htm}, interhash = {ba6eb23831c56cc991e1b35f7ff4ef89}, intrahash = {8b3d9e55b5756262ef65758345258d3b}, journal = {Informatik--Spektrum}, number = 6, pages = {357-369}, title = {{Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung: Theorie und Praxis}}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/insk/insk23.html#Wille00}, volume = 23, year = 2000 } @article{wille00begriffliche, author = {Wille, Rudolf}, date = {2002-01-03}, ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00287/bibs/0023006/00230357.htm}, interhash = {ba6eb23831c56cc991e1b35f7ff4ef89}, intrahash = {575062d98fb3c6d0a65c976d6c23d933}, journal = {Informatik Spektrum}, number = 6, pages = {357-369}, title = {Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung: Theorie und Praxis}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/insk/insk23.html#Wille00}, volume = 23, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{wille97conceptual, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Wille, Rudolf}, booktitle = {Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's Dream}, citeulike-article-id = {1438792}, editor = {Lukose, D. and Delugach, H. and Keeler, M. and Searle, L. and Sowa, J. F.}, interhash = {b642926b1e67db495edc3b62e1ba7571}, intrahash = {046f80236ce102035e0efb984ab248aa}, pages = {290--303}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis}, volume = 1257, year = 1997 } @book{wille94begriffliche, address = {Mannheim}, editor = {Wille, R. and Zickwolff, M.}, interhash = {11b9b79ae74a437be674863ce34c7d99}, intrahash = {b35491547f2fa7000eb3f518b0e3a336}, publisher = {B.I.-Wissenschaftsverlag}, title = {Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung -- Grundfragen und Aufgaben}, year = 1994 }