@article{berry1995ula, author = {Berry, M.W. and Dumais, S.T. and O'Brien, G.W.}, interhash = {500361a1ef20600fb86dc5c94c61d276}, intrahash = {f962590e6aa2ab97e21861051e705b9a}, journal = {SIAM REVIEW}, pages = {573--595}, publisher = {SIAM SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED}, title = {{Using Linear Algebra for Intelligent Information Retrieval}}, volume = 37, year = 1995 } @article{paige:197, author = {Paige, C. C.}, doi = {10.1137/0711019}, interhash = {e48832265f0709fd9f2ace01b30c784f}, intrahash = {b4613d688980df604dca04f8dc84d054}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, number = 1, pages = {197-209}, publisher = {SIAM}, title = {Bidiagonalization of Matrices and Solution of Linear Equations}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SNA/11/197/1}, volume = 11, year = 1974 }