@incollection{bieling2010internationale, address = {Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI}, author = {Bieling, Hans-Jürgen}, booktitle = {Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen}, edition = {3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte}, editor = {Schieder, Siegfried and Spindler, Manuela}, interhash = {278a3ad3578acdb2be24b4a9b6723305}, intrahash = {3bb074d2dd4d7e9fab6cbc703671b9cb}, pages = {399-426}, publisher = {Barbara Budrich}, title = {Internationale Politische Ökonomie}, year = 2010 } @book{Franke:2010, author = {Franke, Siegfried F.}, interhash = {ad1c39ae672fcc303380afafe883a25c}, intrahash = {c0f710bd019582e4a0af8b450e031548}, isbn = {978-3-89518-777-3}, opac = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=215884973}, publisher = {Metropolis-Verl. Marburg}, title = {Der doppelt missverstandene Liberalismus}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=215884973}, year = 2010 } @incollection{overbeek2000a, address = {London/New York}, author = {Overbeek, Henk W.}, booktitle = {Global Political Economy. Contemporary theories}, editor = {interhash = Ronen Palan and intrahash = 4481df12a6363ea8df442fd079d6e498 92984863692e505c923cc463cfd85dc5}, interhash = {92984863692e505c923cc463cfd85dc5}, intrahash = {04ae95e4d832e8e0389aebad72a61cce}, key = {Overbeek48}, month = {2010-11-17T11:45:43.000+0100}, pages = {168-183}, title = {{Transnational historical materialism. Theories of transnational class formation and world order}}, year = 2000 } @phdthesis{Droessler2011, address = {Kassel}, author = {Drößler, Stefan}, groups = {public}, interhash = {a648445e4c329d13b60e21d0cbd3b9eb}, intrahash = {f8527741d9d80cb2a2624a0d964cc5aa}, publisher = {kassel university press}, school = {Universität Kassel}, title = {Globalisierung als soziale Konstruktion. Kolumbus, die frühneuzeitliche Kartografie und das Projekt der Westfahrt}, url = {http://www.ub.uni-kassel.de/sven_stefani.html}, username = {droessler}, year = 2011 } @other{ScholteDezember2002, address = {University of Warwick, Coventry/United Kingdom}, author = {Scholte, Jan Aart}, citeseerurl = {http://www.csgr.org}, groups = {public}, interhash = {4de7f6deb8fd30a9fd72f9525a13b242}, intrahash = {8b98df0d09afe25f9982f4bbeed6cf83}, month = {Dezember}, number = {109/02}, organization = {The University of Warwick Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation}, series = {CSGR Working Paper}, signatur = {1200}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:25}, title = {What {I}s {G}lobalization? {T}he {D}efinitional {I}ssue - {A}gain, {CSGR} {W}orking {P}aper {N}r. 109/02}, username = {droessler}, year = {Dezember 2002} } @book{bieling2007internationale, asin = {353114135X}, author = {Bieling, Hans-Jürgen}, ean = {9783531141350}, edition = 1, interhash = {48985cf62469f990c1d50bbe699637a8}, intrahash = {feab02d1f8775fa532fab24e5a2c43c4}, isbn = {353114135X}, publisher = {Vs Verlag}, title = {Internationale Politische Ökonomie: Eine Einführung}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Internationale-Politische-Ökonomie-Eine-Einführung/dp/353114135X/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1291893193&sr=1-9}, year = 2007 } @book{laubstein2007labour, asin = {3638739007}, author = {Laubstein, Claudia}, ean = {9783638739009}, interhash = {e70719049e684c7dd66ba4aa7f4bfff0}, intrahash = {361e0516abed87bf309d399b50050c3e}, isbn = {3638739007}, publisher = {Grin Verlag}, title = {Labour standards and the WTO: Counter-hegemonic struggle against Neoliberalism?}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Labour-standards-WTO-Counter-hegemonic-Neoliberalism/dp/3638739007/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&s=books-intl-de&qid=1291892567&sr=1-9}, year = 2007 } @book{knud2008international, asin = {0415479703}, author = {Knud, Jorgensen}, dewey = {320}, ean = {9780415479707}, edition = 1, editor = {Jorgensen, Knud Erik and Knudsen, Tonny Brems}, interhash = {51fa9434a989d0c4e7e21cc7945181d3}, intrahash = {3b24bcc32ef41793b179caf110186a87}, isbn = {0415479703}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {International Relations in Europe (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics)}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/International-Relations-Routledge-Advances-Politics/dp/0415479703/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291892297&sr=8-1-fkmr0}, year = 2008 } @book{Scherrer:2001, abstract = {Literaturverz. S. 135 - 148}, author = {Scherrer, Christoph and Greven, Thomas}, interhash = {f46a171c3de7cabc172382552d7b17f2}, intrahash = {62ac3feb6a61f24f736e3b566e2ecf90}, isbn = {3-89691-488-X}, opac = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=093107099}, publisher = {Westfälisches Dampfboot Münster}, title = {Global rules for trade}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=093107099}, year = 2001 } @misc{Scherrer:2006, author = {Scherrer, Christoph and Beck, Stefan}, interhash = {d8542dc64d443699c1f77b9c3264b04d}, intrahash = {2450c09fc86d6ece17f3cf128d3f6b6e}, opac = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006112215810}, publisher = {Univ.-Bibliothek Kassel}, title = {Zukunft der Wirtschaft}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006112215810}, year = 2006 } @book{Scherrer:2010, author = {Scherrer, Christoph}, interhash = {83a6343b76e375774fa98099b1a07b68}, intrahash = {021da4446e123630c2240e34f357da71}, isbn = {978-3-8252-3400-3}, opac = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=223654159}, publisher = {UTB Stuttgart}, title = {Globalisierung}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=223654159}, year = 2010 } @book{Senghaas1994, abstract = {prüfen, ob in diesem {B}uch {S}enghaas das erste {M}al das zivilisatorische {H}exagon vorstellt oder schon 1982}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Senghaas, Dieter}, groups = {public}, interhash = {fe0fbacec801161e3fb58cd7e8ff8363}, intrahash = {fa0a53e7d7fe120e45d9c6d63137fc0b}, publisher = {Suhrkamp-Verlag}, signatur = {XC 80 98}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBS}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:26}, title = {Wohin driftet die {W}elt? Über die {Z}ukunft friedlicher {K}oexistenz}, username = {droessler}, year = 1994 } @book{Robertson2003, abstract = {Containing articles on approaches to and theories of globalization, this six-volume collection addresses the making of the modern world from different disciplinary perspectives. {T}he set investigates the major components of globalization in its most comprehensive sense: the nation-state and the system of international relations; the question of self-identity and the individual in the globalization process; human rights, citizenship and the environment; institutional questions including matters of media communication, education, tourism, multinational corporations, migration and intercultural communication.}, address = {London}, editor = {Robertson, Roland and White, Kathleen E.}, groups = {public}, interhash = {b7986c6fb284b0dfb8c30ff5fa36493a}, intrahash = {a9f4f86812a8d17c60ce845ceba73488}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:34}, title = {Globalization: {C}ritical {C}oncepts in {S}ociology, 6 {B}ände}, username = {droessler}, year = 2003 } @book{Aglietta2000a, abstract = {Aglietta's path-breaking book is the first attempt at a rigorous historical theory of the whole development of {US} capitalism, from the {C}ivil {W}ar to the {C}arter {P}residency. {A} major document of the '{R}egulation {S}chool' of {M}arxist economists, it was received on publication as the boldest work in its field since the classic studies of {B}aran, {S}weezy and {B}raverman. {T}his new edition includes a substantial new postface by {A}glietta which brings regulation theory face to face with capitalism at the end of this century and beyond.}, address = {London}, author = {Aglietta, Michel}, groups = {public}, interhash = {8f5abdb52948de6f2eaebdd4fd67586c}, intrahash = {7532ca2b543e8bfacb462bb8b482326e}, isbn = {1859842682}, note = {Übersetzung aus dem Französischen (vgl. Aglietta 1976).}, publisher = {Verso}, signatur = {HB 85 100 (Handapparat Karathanassis)}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBS}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:37}, title = {A {T}heory of {C}apitalist {R}egulation. {T}he {US} {E}xperience}, username = {droessler}, year = 2000 } @book{Hirsch2005, address = {Hamburg}, author = {Hirsch, Joachim}, groups = {public}, interhash = {6648873ef87532ffa098c118fabadd21}, intrahash = {164bc713a87fcd952ecf4e53d6ee9be8}, publisher = {VSA-Verlag}, signatur = {FD 240 71}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover, FBS}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:57}, title = {Materialistische {S}taatstheorie. {T}ransformationsprozesse des kapitalistischen {S}taatensystems}, username = {droessler}, year = 2005 } @article{Grande2000, author = {Grande, Edgar and Risse, Thomas}, groups = {public}, interhash = {cc5169c4af48b3ea305836918f4c85f7}, intrahash = {b6771d473917929c0e28631637f7d24c}, journal = {Zeitschrift für {I}nternationale {B}eziehungen}, number = 2, pages = {235-266}, signatur = {1180}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:53}, title = {Bridging the {G}ap. {K}onzeptionelle {A}nforderungen an die politikwissenschaftliche {A}nalyse von {G}lobalisierungsprozessen}, username = {droessler}, volume = 7, year = 2000 } @article{Leggewie2003, author = {Leggewie, Claus}, groups = {public}, interhash = {73dc499ce4ea09ece48848cf564b678d}, intrahash = {7e8324e6fff9f02f8899ef98cbbb716d}, journal = {Internationale {P}olitik und {G}esellschaft}, number = 1, pages = {87-110}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:04}, title = {Globalisierung versus {H}egemonie. {Z}ur {Z}ukunft der transatlantischen {B}eziehungen}, username = {droessler}, year = 2003 } @incollection{Pellerin2003, address = {London/New York}, author = {Pellerin, Hélène}, booktitle = {Globalization: {T}heory and {P}ractice}, edition = {2.}, editor = {Kofman, Eleonore and Youngs, Gillian}, groups = {public}, interhash = {8b878b9cef25bc64bce6fc8121ea24bf}, intrahash = {84c5f3a7bad2e6344f8b7e51a46fb027}, pages = {177-192}, signatur = {1207}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:14}, title = {Crisis? {W}hat {C}risis? {T}he politics of migration regulation in the era of globalization}, username = {droessler}, year = 2003 } @article{Modelski1968, author = {Modelski, George}, groups = {public}, interhash = {6dd5408fa23d56e4599f5d71e407501b}, intrahash = {c6845296d8777850434316a434dc5025}, journal = {International {S}tudies {Q}uarterly}, number = 4, pages = {380-393}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:09}, title = {Communism and the {G}lobalization of {P}olitics}, username = {droessler}, volume = 12, year = 1968 } @book{Robertson1992, address = {London}, author = {Robertson, Roland}, groups = {public}, interhash = {d3081dc0f45e503a1ab017ffba30116a}, intrahash = {c00d678ca5f24186ef2ca9fe59132f3e}, publisher = {Sage publications}, signatur = {EF 760 18}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBS (auch FBW)}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:18}, title = {Globalization: social theory and global culture}, username = {droessler}, year = 1992 }