@article{hubert1985comparing, author = {Hubert, L. and Arabie, P.}, interhash = {c9272c8f9d5aff7ebe43325b5b36ba39}, intrahash = {4a3c884446b9c874b40588f9d86c0f6c}, journal = {Journal of classification}, number = 1, pages = {193--218}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{Comparing partitions}}, url = {http://scholar.google.de/scholar.bib?q=info:IkrWWF2JxwoJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&ct=citation&cd=0}, volume = 2, year = 1985 } @techreport{Carr1982, address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey}, author = {Carroll, J. D. and Arabie, P.}, institution = {Bell Laboratories}, interhash = {80e02e2ed9af61ba1eeaa19781f92196}, intrahash = {08a76e64c4c8faedd5f789ce18c6d567}, title = {{H}ow to use {I}{N}{D}{C}{L}{U}{S}, a computer program for fitting individual differences generalization of the {A}{D}{C}{L}{U}{S} model.}, type = {Working paper}, year = 1982 } @incollection{Boor1972, address = {New York}, author = {Boorman, S. A. and Arabie, P.}, booktitle = {{M}ultidimensional scaling: theory and applications in the behavioral sciences, 1: {T}heory.}, editor = {Shepard, R. N. and Romney, A. K. and Nerlove, S. B.}, interhash = {a2038d43fb05a3655f5fe995c9cd52b3}, intrahash = {3ee126e54abf291d081e23a6ce88b2ee}, pages = {225--249}, publisher = {Seminar Press}, title = {{S}tructural measures and the method of sorting}, year = 1972 } @article{Arab1981, author = {Arabie, P. and Carroll, J. D. and DeSarbo, W. S. and Wind, J.}, interhash = {91cc4b7301d7bdefbcf93059ac060b54}, intrahash = {228adfd62426c61d6892a3e7420f37bb}, journal = {Journal of Marketing Research}, pages = {310--317}, title = {{O}verlapping clustering: {A} new method for product positioning}, volume = 18, year = 1981 } @article{Arab1988, author = {Arabie, P. and Maschmeyer, C.}, interhash = {a8cc9d7172ad6364367a1d80a4e39c32}, intrahash = {fa7acc09d1b8fa463ad4fc71d9d131f3}, journal = {Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes}, pages = {300--329}, title = {{S}ome current models for the perception and judgment of risk}, volume = 41, year = 1988 } @article{Arab1980b, author = {Arabie, P. and Carroll, J. D.}, interhash = {3b8b9f487ef55b7cdacae65f34fdb70e}, intrahash = {190d7df07b6c8aba0f8cf19f16bf1c6e}, journal = {Psychometrika}, pages = {211--235}, title = {{M}{A}{P}{C}{L}{U}{S}: {A} mathematical programming approach to fitting the {A}{D}{C}{L}{U}{S} model}, volume = 45, year = {1980b} } @book{Arab1987a, address = {Beverly Hills}, author = {Arabie, P. and Carroll, J. D. and DeSarbo, W. S.}, interhash = {1a4fc20a690c490b5de682d794c9614f}, intrahash = {a945c0d2368fb702dc35ca5de464d938}, publisher = {Sage}, title = {{T}hree-way scaling and clustering.}, year = {1987a} } @incollection{Carr1996, address = {San Diego, CA}, author = {Carroll, J. D. and Arabie, P.}, booktitle = {{H}andbook of perception and cognition, {V}ol. 3: {M}easurement, judgment and decision making.}, editor = {Birnbaum, M. H.}, interhash = {eac5271ec96c27b8a6eb6f09a6b3e06a}, intrahash = {7fd03c586f29c6da0994dc2b7d5c713f}, pages = {179--250}, publisher = {Academic Press, Inc}, title = {{M}ultidimensional {S}caling}, year = 1996 } @article{Arab1987b, author = {Arabie, P. and Mashmeyer, C. J. and Carroll, J. D.}, interhash = {541b6c60ca1d2456f0cc688dede3c8de}, intrahash = {4b21e1b808363b51ff500d9255171115}, journal = {Technological Forecasting and Social Change}, pages = {245--272}, title = {{I}mpact scaling: {M}ethod and application}, volume = 32, year = 1987 } @book{Arab1990, address = {Tokyo}, author = {Arabie, P. and Carroll, J. D. and DeSarbo, W. S.}, englishtitle = {{T}hree-way scaling and clustering.}, interhash = {bc5b3e375c1bc3e3eca1ebf50416cb33}, intrahash = {cef0a3a7cc2ce64edf1112cd7e33192d}, publisher = {Kyoritsu Shuppan}, title = {{S}an-gen deta no bunseki: {T}ajigen shakudo koseiho to kurasuta bunseikiho .}, year = 1990 } @article{Carr1980a, author = {Carroll, J. D. and Arabie, P.}, interhash = {779abc274b12258977542bf8a8b41247}, intrahash = {916c5bca59825bee4dec88873c027e6e}, journal = {Annual Review of Psychology}, pages = {607--649}, title = {{M}ultidimensional scaling}, volume = 31, year = 1980 } @techreport{Arab1980a, address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey}, author = {Arabie, P. and Carroll, J. D.}, institution = {Bell Laboratories}, interhash = {5f19c6efea0ffe7cb6f996ce3885aada}, intrahash = {c15d11a623a017782fef5b159e6730a0}, title = {{H}ow to use {M}{A}{P}{C}{L}{U}{S}, a computer program for fitting the {A}{D}{C}{L}{U}{S} model.}, type = {Technical report}, year = {1980a} } @article{Arab1973, author = {Arabie, P. and Boorman, S. A.}, interhash = {3b94a5e19f326b7cf2ea3e00e7dae70e}, intrahash = {704e89b1bac8f94e71def213bfe841b5}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, pages = {148--203}, title = {{M}ultidimensional scaling of measures of distance between partitions}, volume = 10, year = 1973 }