@book{Krallmann.2007, address = {München, Germany}, author = {Krallmann, H. and Schönherr, M. and Trier, M.}, edition = 5, interhash = {73451d9475478fd6e3427f831196a0ed}, intrahash = {e7390db23378fb35441aa51c7f074eb1}, privnote = {ISBN = {9783486584462} No. 286}, publisher = {Oldenbourg}, title = {Systemanalyse im Unternehmen - Prozessorientierte Methoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, year = 2007 } @article{trier2009social, author = {Trier, M. and Bobrik, A.}, interhash = {7d6b94d462aca41d1020494fcadca246}, intrahash = {a446dfd22b95fd3e108fb11caf1669ae}, journal = {IEEE Internet Computing}, number = 2, pages = {51--59}, publisher = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA}, title = {{Social Search: Exploring and Searching Social Architectures in Digital Networks}}, url = {http://scholar.google.de/scholar.bib?q=info:C86yFh53ALEJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&oi=citation}, volume = 13, year = 2009 }