@book{Klandt.1984, address = {Bergisch Gladbach}, author = {Klandt, Heinz}, edition = {1. Aufl.}, interhash = {f52b5c7555bf0ce236d3019bb002f771}, intrahash = {79abfe11f02b880b1a30fbca0a26eb95}, isbn = {3890120075}, privnote = {No. 10}, publisher = {Eul}, series = {Reihe Gründung, Innovation und Beratung}, title = {Aktivität und Erfolg des Unternehmungsgründers: Eine empirische Analyse unter Einbeziehung des mikrosozialen Umfeldes}, volume = 1, year = 1984 } @book{Klandt.2002, address = {Berlin}, author = {Klandt, Heinz and Br\"uning, Erdme and H\"ucker, Gerhard}, interhash = {ab94c0f2502701b4cf4c5a1f3cd4681b}, intrahash = {e2ac661eadd647a38007a2124cf57f58}, isbn = {3428105461}, price = {EUR 74.00, sfr 128.00}, privnote = {Nr.51}, publisher = {Duncker \& Humblot}, title = {Das internationale Gr\"undungsklima: Neun L\"ander im Vergleich ihrer Rahmenbedingungen f\"ur Existenz- und Unternehmensgr\"undungen}, year = 2002 } @book{Klandt.1999, address = {M\"unchen}, author = {Klandt, Heinz}, interhash = {415f826d4be865bff12875818f67c340}, intrahash = {f988689d00a55ffb1e5a6b2811fb4569}, isbn = {3486244051}, price = {DM 68.00}, privnote = {Nr.1}, publisher = {Oldenbourg}, title = {Gr\"undungsmanagement: der integrierte Unternehmensplan}, year = 1999 } @book{Klandt.1996, address = {K\"oln-Dortmund}, author = {Klandt, Heinz}, edition = {2. Aufl.}, institution = {F\"orderkreis Gr\"undungs-Forschung}, interhash = {faa503486bb20ff9ada2c7629f8d484b}, intrahash = {9f9627546f12ee6579b8ceb1a189d49d}, isbn = {3980465519}, price = {DM 70.00, S 510.00, sfr 63.70}, privnote = {Nr.16}, title = {Internationalizing entrepreneurship education and training: Proceedings of the IntEnt93 Conference, Vienna, July 5 - 7, 1993}, year = 1996 } @book{Nathusius.2001, address = {Lohmar}, author = {Nathusius, Klaus and Klandt, Heinz and Seibt, Dietrich and Szyperski, Norbert}, interhash = {66e45c5beae83bc866b3dd741caad9cf}, intrahash = {4c304169028935844e58c609c324afe9}, isbn = {3890128947}, price = {DM 98.00, EUR 51.00 (ab 1.1.2002)}, privnote = {Nr.38}, publisher = {Eul}, title = {Beitr\"age zur Unternehmungsgr\"undung: Gewidmet Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Norbert Szyperski anl\"a{\ss}lich seines 70. Geburtstages}, year = 2001 } @book{Klandt.1995, address = {K\"oln, Dortmund}, author = {Klandt, Heinz}, interhash = {d20cfa81193bd97020c3048ec5bc2c34}, intrahash = {d514a655eb08fcb20f2de127e9b8943f}, isbn = {3980228584}, price = {DM 18.50, sfr 18.50, S 130.00}, privnote = {Nr.37}, publisher = {FGF c/o Univ. Dortmund}, title = {Arbeitsmaterialien f\"ur Orientierungstutorien an der WiSo-Fakult\"at: Am Beispiel der Universit\"at Dortmund}, year = 1995 } @book{Nathusius.1984, address = {Bergisch Gladbach}, author = {Nathusius, Klaus and Klandt, Heinz and Grochla, Erwin and Kirschbaum, Günter and Szyperski, Norbert}, edition = {1. Aufl.}, interhash = {00956b009854ebd7e8597ce368d4b85e}, intrahash = {2c369e9419ab71a3c9c09e7c9e28a927}, isbn = {3890120164}, publisher = {Eul}, title = {Unternehmungsgründung: Konfrontation von Forschung und Praxis ; Festschrift gewidmet Herrn Prof. Dr. Norbert Szyperski aus Anlass des 10-jährigen Bestehens der Projektgruppe Gründungsforschung am Planungsseminar der Universität zu Köln}, year = 1984 }